Nylon Bird Nets
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This is the most recommended bird net . Very strong and durable its totally transparent hence aesthetically most appropriate for household purpose. The breaking strength of Nylon filament is the highest of all polymers. Nylon Nets easy to clean with blowing air it is as good as new always. Features of Nylon Nets : Very strong and durable (yarn breaking strengths-23.08 kg) The aesthetics of the building or place is not affected as the net is transparent UV stabilized, no effect of sun or rain Does not block air or light Economical as compared to steel and aluminum nets Customized as per the client’s requirement No rusting or corrosion like metal nets Harmless way to eliminate pigeon menace
industrial bird netting
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We, Raj Net, are one of the leading manufacturers of superior quality Industrial Birds Netting which is used by our latest bird net materials and advance technologies.We are offering complete solutions of all birds control & pigeon control for a long period. Permanent Solutions : The Industrial birds net has a mesh size of 1 inch to 1.5 inch, which builds up the net impregnable to the pigeons and other birds. Once installed, the birds are kept away for good. Strong Mileage : The materials used to make these nets are Co-Polymer Nylon and Ultra Violet (UV)stabilized which is extremely strong and durable. Birds Protection: The birds are not harmed in any way as these nets only prevent them from perching near the windows and coming inside and do not trap or hurt them. Easy maintenance: The Birds netting would dust resistant and washable easily without any special expertise. Customized Systems: The Birds net used to customize based on the specific needs of each location and hence are aesthetic, easy to setting –up and also easy to remove and fix for cleaning.
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birds net, Nets