Arabian Petroleum Ltd MIDC, Mumbai, Maharashtra

GST Number : 27AAHCA6383Q1ZW
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  • Vacuum Oil

    Vacuum Oil

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    These are premium products specially  tailored from high viscosity index & hydro finished based stock.These have been formulated from very high IBP based stock considerations the problems of oil vapourisation during the operation which result in drop in attained vaccum.Its high degree of refinement makes it usable in chemical plants where normal anti-wear lubricants are not advisable. These  are exclusive oils for vaccum applications enriched with the characterictics  like anti- wear , anti-oxidant,anti-foam and anti-rust.It good demulsibilty prevents water oils contamination during the operations and helps the vaccum pump to attain the the required vaccum within a short time.These have excellent thermal stability which helps the oils to run for longer periods and thus reduces overall operational cost.   Application : This is recommended for use in vaccum producing diffusion pumps.This is also recommended for use in chemical industries.   Benifits: High thermal stability. Suitability in chemical industries. Low vapour pressure. Excellent oxidation stability.

    Type : Lubricants

    Application : Industrial

    Quality : Optimum

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  • Utto Engine Oil

    Utto Engine Oil

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    Brand Name : Arzol

    Volume : 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr, 10 Ltr

    Usage : Engine, Maintain Sewing Machine

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  • Turbine Oil

    Turbine Oil

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    Turbine Oil is premium grade top quality, corrosion and oxidation inhibited lubricaring oils having high quality solvent extracted with a clay filtered base and a proprietary combinatio of selected additives. In addition to outstanding oxidation life , these oils have excellent rust preventing, demulsibility, deaeration and foam suppressing properties.   Applicaton : These oils are recommended for a wide variety of usuage including central power station turbo generation, nuclear power generation plants, gas turbines, hydraulic systems,airline lubricators, textiles spindles, high speed gearing at normal temperatures and gears reduces at low temperatures.   Benefits: Outstanding ASTMD943 oxidations life of more than 4000 hours. Provides excellent rust preventing, demulsibilty and foam suppressing properties. Reduces deposit formation thereby reducing the maintenance cost. Renders efficient performance at noirmal and low temperatures due to high  Viscosity Index.

    Application : Industrial

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  • Transformer Oil

    Transformer Oil

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    As, we have a well-organized resource chain system, our organization is capable of fulfilling wholesale consignments with ease and make on time deliveries. Courtesy a state-of-the-art warehousing unit and an ultramodern inventory control system, we take care of product storage related work with ease. Our warehouse and system empowers us to maintain year round products' availability.

    Application : Industrial

    Type : Lubricants

    Application : Transformer

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  • Textile Oil

    Textile Oil

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    Textile Oil  are formulated from excellent quality , high viscosity index based stocks and performance additives for use in pumps and other equipement in textiles looms. These are incorporated with additives to fight corrosim , wear, oxidation and have excellent water resistance as well as anti-foaming charactersistics.   Application : "SPL"LOOM OIL Series are recoommended to be used in lubrications of all non-critical systems equipement in textiles industries.   Benefits: Excellent oxidation stabilty  Excellent load carrying abilty reduces wear on machinery. Provides protections against rust and corrosion even under humid conditions. Maintains its viscosity even at high operating temperatures.   Range "SPL" LOOM OILS "SPL" DOBBY OILS "SPL" SULJER OILS "SPL" TEXT OILS CLP

    Form : Liquid

    Usage : Industrial

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  • Synthetic Thermic Fluid

    Synthetic Thermic Fluid

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    Type : Synthetic

    Application : For use in bulk oil tempratures up to 310 Deg. Cel.

    Appearance : Clear Liquid

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  • Synthetic Based Gear Oil

    Synthetic Based Gear Oil

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    "SPL"GEREX SHD is a series of the hight quality fully synthetic industrial gear lubricant designed to provide outstanding performance under severe operating conditions.These gear lubricans are based on synthetic Base oils and specialy selected performance proven additives index which make them suitable for a wide range of working temperatures.Application : "SPL"GEREX SHD gear oils are recommended for all types of gear boxes working under se3rve conditions where resistance to vary high stock load and micro pitting is required. These are mainly recommended for mining quarring, marine applications. These are  also recommended for us in plain roller bearings, oil circulations systems.Benefits : Protect gear boxes from water and shock loads due to very high E.P. properties Prevent miocro pitting  Excellent protections against corrosion. Highly suitable for wide range of temprerature. Suitable for applications even at low temperatures due to very low temperature pour point. Provide nlong lubricant life due to exellent thermal stability. Reduces down time. Prevent bearing damage Fully compatible with all sealing materials.

    Type : Synthetic Based

    Appearance : Bright & Clear

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  • Super Star Engine Oil

    Super Star Engine Oil

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    After giving tough competition to our contemporaries in Mumbai(India), we have now come forth to challenge the providers in other markets. In order to ensure zero defects at buyer's end, we make sure that we conduct stringent quality procedures.

    Type : Base Oil

    Brand Name : Arzol

    Grade : API Grade

    Purity : 95%

    Packaging Type : 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr, 10 Ltr

    Form : Viscous Liquid

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  • Spindle Oil

    Spindle Oil

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    "SPL" TEXPIN  Series arelow pour, high  viscosity index spindle oils which have been  specially formulated  from solvent  refined, deasphalted  and dewaxed based stocks fully inhibitted (including corrosion , oxidataion and foam) These oils have buit  in anti-wear properties, low temperature service charcteristics, good waer separating  properties and high anline point.   Benefits : Good demulsibillity . Good strength of oil film  Resistence torusting and corosion. Lowaest fluid friction 

    Type : Lubricants

    Application : For use in moderm low & high speed spindless in machine tools & textiles spining machine

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  • Screw Compressor Oil

    Screw Compressor Oil

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    "SPL" SUPERCOM Series of compresser oils the premium  quality compresser oils specifically, daesigned for the lubrication of rotary sliding vane and air screw compressors. Its unique high performance, ashless additive technology exibit excellent protection and performance  for oil injected or oil flooded single or two stage compressorrs  operating at a pressure  of20 bar  with air discharge  temperature up to 100oC. This has been designed  to provide a prolonged  service life up to 6000,8000 and 10,000 plus hours.    Benefits : Excellent  air  relaease  and anti -foaming prooperties provide trouble free operation even under cycling conditions.  Imroves prolonged  service intervals  by protecting all metal surfaces from wear  and corosion  Provide extended  oil life. Exceptional  resistence to thermal and chemical breakdown. its excellent  oxidation  stability minimises  deposits to a great extendt and thus keepl internal cleanliness of oil, air seperator and coalesce system. Fully compatible  with all normal sealing materials. 

    Type : Lubricants

    Application : For use in rotary sliding vane and air screw compresser system

    Pressure : 20 bar

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  • Refrigeration Oil

    Refrigeration Oil

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    "SPL" FRIZON  N Series  are blended from specially selected lude based stocks to provide low pour point , low freon floc point, good chemical  stabillity in liquefied refrigerants. Theseoils are straight mineral  type and posses  inherent resistence  to oxidation and deposit  formation.   "SPL" FRIZON  M 68 has low pour point, low freon floc  poit  an dready solubility  in refrigeration compresser using ammonia refrigerent.   Application : "SPL" FRIZON  N  Series is recomended for lubrication in a wide range of compressers. The product  can be used in conventional refrigerents, except sulphur dioxide, in both reciprocating & rotary compressers. The products  are suitable in prooperly designed and mintained refrigeraation systems where temperature of the evaporator is lower than the pour point of athe oil . "SPL" FRIZON  M  68 is intended for use in refrigeration compressors using ammonia refrigerent.   Benefits : Prevents the loss of fluuidity & formation of wax deposit at low temperatures. Long oil service life. Minimises formation of gums, varnish & other sludge  deposits.  Protecs the reliability & efficeincy of the equipments.

    Type : Lubricants

    Form : Liquid

    Application : Industrial

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  • Rage Turbo Engine Oil

    Rage Turbo Engine Oil

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    We are flexible enough to deliver the products that we make available across Mumbai(India). We have a well-developed all the in-house storage facility, laced with all the modern facilities. Also, we have hired a team of professionals who efficiently manage and maintain it.

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  • Rage Engine Oil

    Rage Engine Oil

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    Obtaining the product from us is lucrative, as we can provide it in bulk all year round and make delivery within the postulated time. We make sure that the packaging of products is done using qualitative material in order to deliver the products safely. Only after complete inspection, we deliver the products in the dedicated time span.

    Brand Name : Arzol

    Packaging Size : 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr, 10 Ltr

    Usage : Engine, Maintain Sewing Machine

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  • Quenching Oil

    Quenching Oil

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    Quenching Oil is fast speed squenching oil designed from highly  refined paraffinic  base stocks and effective performance  additives to take care  of  the vapour blanket phase during quenching process.  "SPL" CLEVER QUENCH C3  Provides high resistence to oxidation, long service life and low caarbon residue. The superior thermo - oxidative stability of this squenching oil provides uniform hardening with minimum discoloration,imparoved grain structure  and longer bath life.   Benefits : Low viscosity  ensures good quenching characteristic  for perfect hardness.  Hig flash points reduces the risk of fire. Reduces sludge formation decreases the possibility of  staining. Good Thermo - Oxidative  stability improves bath life and provides uniform hardening .   Range "SPL" CLEVER QUENCH C3 "SPL" CLEVER QUENCH C5 "SPL" CLEVER QUENCH SERIES "SPL" MARQUENCH E-5

    Type : Lubricants

    Application : For Fast Speed Quenching Operation Of All Components,Industrial

    Appearance : Bright & clear

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  • Pace 4T Engine Oil

    Pace 4T Engine Oil

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    Brand Name : Arzol

    Form : Viscous liquid

    Packaging Size : 1ltr,5ltr,10ltr

    Application : Engine, Maintain Sewing Machine

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  • Neat Cutting Oil

    Neat Cutting Oil

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    Being a quality-conscious firm, we ensure that the offered products comply with the laid industry standards and are of supreme quality. Owing to our timeliness and hassle free deliveries, we have become the primary choice of the buyers.

    Type : Lubricants

    Appearance : Clear liquid

    Application : Industrial

    Application : For heavy duty machining (ferrous and non-ferrous metals)

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  • Mineral Based Thermic Fluid

    Mineral Based Thermic Fluid

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    "SPL"   GEREX EP is a series of excellent  quality gear box  oils  specially  designed for severe  duty application. They are blended  with sulphur - phosphorous type additives  and are made out of highest quality based stocks to give outstanding oxidation stability, high Vl, extreme  ressure  characteristies  and a tough adherent film.   Application : It is recomended for use in industrial enclosed gear drives with circulation or splash lubrication systemoperataing  under high load, shock load and other sever e service condition . These are also recommended for the lubricationof oil lubricated , flexible coupling heavily loaded bearing and chains.   Benefits : Outstanding extreme  pressure  property . Provides longer service life . Reduces sludge and deposit formation. Good water seperation characteristics makes these gear oils an excellent choice for use in gear lubrication system where high water ingress is encocounterd.

    Type : Mineral Based

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  • Mineral Based Gear Oils

    Mineral Based Gear Oils

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    Mineral Based Gear Oils of  excellent  quality gearbox oils specially designed for severe duty applications. They are blended with sulphur -phosphorous type additives  and are  made out of  highest qsuality based stocks to give outstanding oxidation stability , high Vl, exteme pressure characteristics and a tough adherent film. Application : It is recomended for use in industrial enclosed gear  drives with circulation or splash lubricaation system operating  under high load  shock load and other severe service conditions. These aare also recommended forthe lubrication of oil lubricated, flexible coupling heavily loaded bearing and chains .   Benefits : Outstanding extreme pressure property. Provides longer service life. Reduces sludge and deposit formataion. Good water seperation charcteristics makes these gears oils and excellent  choice for use in gear lubricaation  system whee high ingress is encountered.

    Type : Mineral Based

    Classification : Lubricants

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  • Milage Synactiv Engine Oil

    Milage Synactiv Engine Oil

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    Brand Name : Arzol

    Packaging Size : 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr, 10 Ltr

    Usage : Automotive Lubricant

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  • Milage Engine Oil

    Milage Engine Oil

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    With our excellence in this field, we share forefront for supplying world-class array of products from Mumbai(India). With the assistance of skilled professionals and high-grade packaging system, we can easily furnish customized packaging requirements of the customers.

    Brand Name : Arzol

    Packaging Size : 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr, 10 Ltr

    Form : Viscous liquid

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  • Machine Oil

    Machine Oil

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    "SPL" MACHINOL  EN is a series of general purpose machine oil required  for general purpose lubrication . These oils are high viscosity  index oils and have high oxidation stability .These  oils have excellent  chemical  resistence and low sulphur  content . Due tio the highly refined based  stocks used in the formulation of these  oils , they are very good water seperators.   Application : The characteristics and wide range of viscossities makethese poducts desirable  for circulating  systems, gear boxes, hydraulic systems etc. Grade 32,46,68,and 100 are very good for general lubrication  as well as circulating and hydraulic system  where make up rates aare very high . use of grade above 100 is recommended in circulating system requiring these higher viscosities .   Benefits : Provides goods oiliness for general  lubricants even under  boundary  lubrication conditions. Protects  parts against  rust & corrosion . Maintain thin film under light & medium.

    Usage/Application : Industrial

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  • Loadmax Engine Oil

    Loadmax Engine Oil

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    Our experts keep a stern check on the payment procedures that are a crucial part of the buying the products. We make sure that you don't face any issues related to transaction. Buy the best quality Loadmax Engine Oil that is the perfect outcome of the best practices and the innovative techniques.

    Brand Name : Arzol

    Form : Viscous liquid

    Usage : Automotive Lubricant

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  • Hydraulic Fluid

    Hydraulic Fluid

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    Type : Anti-wear

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  • Honing Oil

    Honing Oil

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    Type : Lubricants

    Color : Red

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2006
  • No. of Employees 100 - 150
  • Ownership Type Others
  • GSTIN Number 27AAHCA6383Q1ZW

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Arabian Petroleum Ltd from Mumbai, Maharashtra Established in 2006 is Retailer of [Oil and Lubricants] - Automotive Oils, Grease, Lubricants, Lubricating Oil, Hydraulic Oil, [Air Compressors, Accessories & Parts] - Compressor Oil, Screw Compressor Oil and other products such as cnc coolant, Mineral Based Thermic Fluid.
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Contact Information

Arabian Petroleum Ltd

  • Mr. Dharman Mehta
  • Plot No. 14 - B, Morivali MIDC, Opp. Positive Packaging, Behind Hamilton Cycle Co., Ambarnath (West), Dist. Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra