waterproofing systems
ROOF 540 Premium quality waterproofing systems, for virtually any kinds of ROOF. ROOF 540 is a highly reflective, permanently flexible “breathing” membrane; it’s a onetime installation system for life time. ROOF 540 is a water-based, high solids elastomeric coating utilizing the advanced acrylic technology. Highest quality 100% acrylic resins are combined with reinforcing laminar pigments, an effective biocide package and non-migrating fire retardants, resulting in superior durability, weatherproofing, ultraviolet resistance, algae, mildew resistance and fire retardancy. HOW IT WORKSROOF 540 is a highly reflective, permanently flexible “breathing” membrane, allowing moisture / vapor from the substrate or building interior to escape while remaining impervious to mass water penetration from the exterior. It is also available in a high-tensile strength version for roof areas subject to heavy maintenance traffic, severe weather conditions, chemical fallout, etc., as well as a quick set version for use on applications where a more rapid resistance to moisture is necessary.
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WALLMATE Sustainable waterproofing system, for external walls, it’s an advanced acrylic elastomeric coating of 250 micron. It is a fluid-applied, as an advanced acrylic elastomeric, designed to waterproof exterior vertical surfaces. It possesses outstanding adhesion to a wide variety of substrates. It cures the surface in two stage mode. First it deflects the ultraviolet light from the exposed surface because of which the sub surface is protected from further cross linking & retains the permanent elastomeric bond of the substrate. This eliminates the need for any new & separate application on the surface to repel dirt, mildew & pollution without sacrificing the flexibility of the substrate. It will act as a flexible breathing membrane allowing moisture & vapor to escape from the substrate or surface interior through the coating while remaining impervious to mass water penetration from the external side. It contains no plasticizers because of which the surface won’t harden or slump with age or changes in temperature.
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SEAL TUFF For durable, smooth and textured color Waterproofing system, it’s a lower version of ROOF 540 with 5 monsoon & extendable warranty. Seal Tuff is a water based system, with high solids, elastomeric coating utilizing the advanced acrylic technology. Premium quality acrylic resins are combined with reinforcing laminar pigments & incorporating an epoxy additive to increase the abrasion resistance properties of the film. It has Special spherical silica sand suspended in the emulsion to provide a fine uniform texture. The silica can be eliminated for projects requiring fine smooth surface. Seal Tuff has two variants one is for exposed application & the other one for covered application.
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TUFF COAT Tough Abrasion resistance coating, for designer coat over recreational courts, walkways, pool decks, tennis courts, patio decks and floors. Tuff Coat isahighqualitywater-basedacrylicfinish system,incorporatinganepoxy of additivetoincreasetheabrasionresistancepropertiesofthefilm.Specialsphericalsilicasandissuspendedintheemulsion which provides a fine uniform texture result.The silicacanbeeliminatedforprojectsrequiringasmoothfinish. HOW IT WORKS: TUFF COAT wasspecificallydevelopedforuseoverconcrete,masonry,stucco,plasterandasphaltsurfaceswhereadurablecoloredcoatingisrequired.It is designedtoresistabrasion,weatheringandmoisturedegradation on the roof or wall. It can be appliedonrecreationalcourts,walkways,pooldecks,tenniscourts,patiodecksandfloors.Itcanalsobe applied asafinetexture,weatherresistantcoloredfinishonverticalsurfacessuchasbuildingexteriors,highwaybridgestructures,medianbarriers,retainingwallsandnoiseabatementwalls. It can be an advantage if applied overROOF540 system asa indicator ofwalkways, serviceareas & also prevents skidding.
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SEAL COAT Temporary solution, but designed to work beyond warranty and backed by 3 monsoon period Seal Coat is applied as a single coat system. It can be applied on both, exposed as well as covered application for eg. before covering the surface with tiles, pavers or concrete material.
...moreELASTIC Wall Coating
Elastic non-diluted external wall coating, it’s a lower version of wall mate forming a coat of 110 microns. The system is a fluid-applied, advanced acrylic elastomeric designed to waterproof exterior vertical surfaces. It possesses outstanding adhesion to a wide variety of substrates. Elastic being very flexible, its elastomeric fills cracks, provides a smooth texture & watertight barrier for masonry surfaces. Elastic is carefully formulated to remain flexible and allow for movement while providing a high-quality water seal. additionally, elastic allows for hundreds of color options to match any decor.
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