Banded Multi Belts
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There is a band over Classical V.Belt, Wedge section and Narrow V. Belts. These belts, known as Multi V. Belts are available from 2 to 14 belts in a band ot suit the customer's requirements.
Rubber Banded Belts
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Rubber Banded Belts are made up from Classical, Wedge or Narrow belts with strong tie band over them. Each band may contain the required number of belts. Maximum up to 5 belts in one tie, depending upon the drive conditions, are recommended. Application : Polydrive Rubber Banded belts are recommended on drives under the conditions Severe vibrations Vertical shaft drives V-flat drives Agricultural drives Conveyer systems Crushers, Compressors, Generator sets, Pumps, etc. Features : Antistatic Temperature Range :- 18° C to 70°C Recommended number of Ribs = 5 (Ma Note: While using rubber banded belts it is always recommend to use standard pulleys with proper guard only The proper belt sitting can only be obtained if the pitch distances maintained for the belts and for pulleys are same. We recommend that the customer get back to us with details before using rubber banded belts to enable us to provide the best suggestions. Improper design using rubber banded belts can lead to rapid failure of the drive system.
Best Deals from Banded V Belt
Banded Belts
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We are offering banded belts. Banded belts are made up from classical, wedge or narrow belts with strong tie band over them. Each band may contain the required number of belts. Maximum up to 5 belts in one tie, depending upon the drive conditions, are recommended.
Banded Belts
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Banded Belts, HTD Timing Belts & STD Belts, Transmission Canvas Belting
Rubber Banded Belts
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Rubber Banded Belts, polyflex belts, fractional horse power belts