High Rate Discharge Battery Tester
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HRD Tester is designed for High Rate Discharge testing of automotive and commercial batteries. HRD is a standard accepted worldwide and is a reliable method for instant testing of batteries. This method simulates same condition on battery as cranking the engine. Nowadays customers need a record of their battery under test, so we have given a option to take a printout of the result. HRD tester is available in different models for Motorcycle and automotive batteries.. As per standard any 12V automotive battery to perform well at normal temperature should sustain 3X load than its Ah capacity and remain above 10V for specific short duration of time. So according to this In HRD tester user should set a battery Ah capacity, machine will automatically puts a 3X load for 5 seconds and observe the battery voltage to find the battery health. For Motorcycle batteries load is 5x battery Ah capacity.
Battery Discharge Tester
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Batteries can be tested “ in service”. Torkel will adjust to include the load current in the test parameter,User adjustable alarm and shutdown points to avoid excessive discharge,Torkel is easily expandable for larger battery banks using TXL extra load unit for additional current discharge. (480V DC, at 110A),No loss of test data in the event of a power loss during testing,View test parameterresult “ real time” as testing progresses using TORKEL win software,Easily Save Result to PC for Analysis, report generation and storage.
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