Canara India Marol, Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • rcc cooling towers

    rcc cooling towers

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    Manufactures & exports concrete (RCC) counterflow cooling towers using vide varieties of film and splash fills selected based upon the circulating water quality, either for fresh water or sea water application. Generally, reinforced cement concrete cooling towers are constructed as per the requirement of the customers. These towers are either offered on a turnkey basis by Canara or Civil construction can be in the customer's scope. However, detailed Engineering for RCC construction is offered by Canara. Designing and construction is done in accordance with Indian Standards (IS) or American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards.

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Canara India

  • Canara India
  • 203, ‘Hillgreen’, 149, Marol Maroshi Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 059, Maharashtra