Seawater Electro Chlorination System
75,000 - 5,000,000 Per Set
1 no (MOQ)
Gas Chlorination System
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The Chloro Controls' Brand SuperTM VC- I 0 gas feeders are designed for manual or automatic gas regulation. Automatic operation is a simple addition of a control valve. Easy to install, for outdoor or indoor installations, each VC- I 0 Gas Feeder is factory tested and needs no field adjustment prior to start-up. 8 different flowmeter capacities provide versatility in meeting gas flow requirements. VC- I 0 Gas Feeder can be directly mounted on gas cylinder or tanners utilizing a lead gasketed positive yoke clamp. Diaphragm ejectors are standard choice of diffusers outlets. A VC- I 0 Gas Feeder consists of a vacuum regulator, flowmeters with rate valve. Ejector and vacuum & vent tubing to make the complete system.
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