Gas Chromatography Machine
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- Brand Name: M M Tech
- Application: labs, chemical industry, research,agriculture, food industry
- Model Number: GC Economy1
- Place of Origin: India
M m tech, gc economy economy 1 is the first indian make gc with facility to attach liquid auto sampler
with universal mounting kit. Gas chromatography is design with micro controller control system which is the world advance control technology ensure high accuracy of temperature control. It has all the features of our existing gc model 2012m gas chromatograph.
big display big display display shows all the set , actual temperature temperature temperature , flow and status on single page
indication of indication of capillary capillary capillary column flow or packed column head pressure pressure pressure on gc display. Display.
User friendly user friendly friendly keypad, keypad, keypad, separate separate separate key for every menu.
40 number 40 number of method storage storage storage with facility facility facility of auto loading loading loading of last method used at start up.
Auto flame auto flame ignition. Ignition.
Back door back door cooling cooling cooling facility facility facility to oven with five number of temperature temperature temperature ramps.
Available with available with packed injector injector injector suitable suitable suitable for stainless stainless stainless steel as well as glass column. Column.
Available with available with capillary capillary capillary injector injector injector can be used in split as well as split less mode.
Best injection best injection injection precision precision precision to both packed and capillary capillary capillary injector. Injector.
Available with available with flame ionization ionization ionization detector detector detector ( fid ) or thermal thermal thermal conductivity conductivity conductivity detector detector detector ( tcd ).
High sensitivity high sensitivity sensitivity of detector. Detector.
Available with available with universal universal universal mounting mounting mounting kit for liquid auto sampler. Sampler.