Continuous Emiission Monitoring System
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Procal 2000 is an infra-red (IR), duct or stack-mounted Analyser, designed to provide In-Situ analysis of up to six gas-phase emission components.
Continuous Emissions Monitors
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Optimum solutions to the measurement and monitoring of various pollutants like SO2,NOx, CO, CO2, NH3, HCI, HF, THC, Mercury, etc. Based on the vast experience gained in such systems, Chemtrols today provide solutions on technology platforms of either Dilution Extractive, Hot Extractive or In-situ measurement.Sample is extracted and diluted with zero air in the probe. Since, dilution takes place within the probe, there is no need for a heat-traced sample transportation line.
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continuous emission monitoring
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One of the best Continuous Emission Monitoring supplying company.