Current Transformers
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The basic application of current transformers are: Lowering the very high primary current passing through bus bars, cables, or wires to 5A or 1A, a measurable quantity by measuring instruments. Isolating the measuring instrument and protective devices from mains. Reproducing proportionate primary current on its secondary side, as required for extending the range of the instruments. Basically CTS are of different types: BAR PRIMARY CURRENT TRANSFORMER (BPCT) For Currents of 100A and above the bus bars or cables are quite thick and it is easier to measure the currents without breaking the bus bars or cable by means of a Bar Primary current transformer which can be slipped over the bus bar or cable. These CTs are most commonly used as they are sturdy, compact and more economical. WOUND PRIMARY CURRENT TRANSFORMER (WPCT) For currents below 100A, it is uneconomical to achieve the desired accuracy by employing Bar primary type CTs and the solution is Wound Primary C.T., where both primary and secondary are Wound over the core. CLAMP ON CT'S NIPPEN clamp-on CT's enable quick and accurate current measurements on live circuits without disconnecting loads. Precision phase shift characteristics ensure accurate power or energy measurements conveniently. These are one of the accessories in our energy audit system.
RCT Current Transformers
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Best Deals from Current Transformers
Current Transformer
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Current transformers are used for monitoring load current in networks or great loads. They transform currents in the kA range to e.g. 0-1 A or 0-5 A. Thus large load currents can be evaluated and monitored by downstream automation devices. The new “PACT” analog current transformer portfolio offers a complete range of tubular bar, plug-on and wire-wrap transformers for measuring large currents of 1 A to 4000 A. Depending on the application requirements, almost 3000 different versions of different accuracy classes, capacities and sizes are available. Different mounting positions allow for use even in applications where space is critical. Besides non-calibratable current X’mers, calibratable X’mers are offered, which become calibrated current X’mers after an additional calibrating process. On customer’ request, the calibration of the measuring transducers including the creation and handling over of all certificates can be processed by Phoenix Contact. Control systems or display elements Like e.g. digital display require standard signals of e. g. 0…20mA as an input signal. As in the current application path to be measured, large currents of upto 4000 A can occur, you need current X’mers that convert these high current to 1 A AC or 5 A AC. Then downstream current transducers uses this current to create typical standards signals that can be processed by e.g. control system. Current Monitoring: With the help of monitoring relays (IF monitoring), currents can be monitored and over currents can be can be signaled via a switching output. As typical monitoring relays only have a measuring input of up to 10 A maximum, a current X’mers the high currents into smaller ones. Motor Management : The electronic motor managers (EMMs), among other things, serve for motoring a drive system or a 3 – phase load. For this, 3 currents have to be measured and monitored. Currents of more than 5 A cannot be processed by the EMM current measuring input. Therefore, separate current X’mers has to be installed before the current measuring input so that the primary current is transformed into 5 A maximum. Test Circuits : Test disconnect terminal blocks and slide terminal blocks were developed especially for the use in current X’mer secondary circuits. The terminals can be fitted on both sides with fixed and switchable jumpers as well as test sockets.
Selec Current Transformer
570 Per Piece
Current Transformer
440 Per Piece
10 Piece (MOQ)
High Tension Oil Cooled Outdoor Current Transformers
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DESCRIPTION:- Direct measurement of current in high voltage system is not possible because of insulation problem of measuring instruments. It is also not possible to use current flowing through the system directly, for protection purpose due to its high value & high insulation problem. In such conditions Current Transformers are used. BASIC FUNCTIONS OF VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS ARE . . . To reduce the line current to a value which is suitable for standard measuring instruments, relays etc. To isolate the Measuring Instruments, Meters, Relays etc. from high voltage side of an installation. To protect Measuring Instruments against short circuit currents. To sense abnormalities in current & give current signals to protective relays to isolate the defective system.
Current Transformers
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The CT in Merlin Gerin range are suitable for use in the entire low voltage field, 40 to 6000A. installation:on symmetrical DIN rail, on mounting plate, on busbar. The primary current can be measured in two ways. CT with connection of primary by screw and nut.
precise make current transformers
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precise make current transformers, mcb insulated shorting bus bars
Current Transformers
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Current Transformers, Amf Panel, level controllers, pump controllers
Current Transformer
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Current Transformer, Electrical Goods, Servo Motors