Dispensing Balance
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Features: Sturdy construction Easy to use Resistant against corrosion
Dispensing Balance
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Auto Lab dispensing system is used for dyeing of Cotton and Polyester – fibre, yarn and fabric. Reactive, Polyester and Vat dyes and auxiliaries are dispensed with high accuracy and speed. Auto dispensing system consists of weighing module, bottles (98120140) to store stock solution, pots ( 1224) to store dispensed recipe and two robotic pipettes. Dye solution is prepared using high accuracy ( 3digit ) weighing balance for weighing dyestuff and 2 digit balance for water weighing. Magnetic stirrer is used for uniform mixing of dyes.
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Dispensing Balance
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Automated dispensing system (or Multipoint dispensing system) is specifically developed for FormulationAPIChemical Industries for error free dispensing.Dispensing is a process of issuing raw materials to the production as per the recipe of the product. The recipe can be created locally in the system or can be imported from the existing ERPSAP.The multiple weighing balances kept in dispensing booth are connected to the electronic data management system.The material is selected (manually or through bar code scanner), weighed and dispensed. The weight values are transferred electronically and the dispensing labels are generated. These labels are permanently stored in the system.Printout of dispensing slip can be taken near booth on LAN Printer.MIS report such as incomplete batches, dispensed batches for given products, dispensed product for a specified period etc. can be generated as per user requirement.The electronic data management system is capable of selecting the respective weighing balance according to the quantity of the material to be dispensed. To maintain accuracy of the balance, the electronic data management system has the facility to perform weighing balance calibration and validation as and when required