50mm Drain cell
24 - 25 Per Square Feet
50mm Eco-Rainwater Solutions Drainage Cells or Grass or Gravel Porous Pavers Eco-Rainwater® 50mm Drainage Cell is a plastic cell structure designed for the creation of permeable grassgravel areas subject to pedestrian and vehicular traffic, it is lightweight, easy to install and with excellent high strength interlocking system. The cell structure provides high load bearing capacity and real containment of soil mix gravel to create a permeable surface, due to its unique three dimensional design, it can withstand heavy traffic for parking lots without traditional problems associated with permeable paving such as overheating and compaction of the root zone. The system can be used for storage, dispersion of cold or heat, reducing hydrostatic pressure for high water table and for filtration of rainwater as well as filled grass or gravel as porous pavers.
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Best Deals from Drainage Cell
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FEATURES It is highly cost effective Quality material makes it highly durable Easy and quick to Install Retains water so as to preserve moisture conditions. Has effective drainage system, so no water stagnation. Â USAG Podium Garden or Terrace landscaping Golf course and landscapes Sports ground Lawns DRAINCELL INSTALLATION PROCESS
Aqueduct Drain Cells
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Jkd aquaduct is a lightweight, high strength, interlocking module that provides both effective sub-soil drainage and water storage for podium gardens, roof top gardens, planter boxes and landscaped decks.
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DrainoMat is a lightweight, high strength modular drainage cell which is especially designed for sub-surface drainage and waterproofing membrane protection. Hydro drain cells are manufactured from high strength polypropylene and are used in various applications like terrace gardens, planter and podium systems, basement retaining walls, landscape decks, pond filtration systems, sports fields , agri - horti applications etc. DrainMat is available in 30mm - DrainMat HD 1230 20mm -DrainoMat HD 12520 Draino Mat with its usage across landcapes, offers a wide variety of design options for architects and developers. DrainoMat has simple yet strong cell structure that increases it scope of usage on various surfaces including terrace garden and planter deck. DrainoMat has a well designated structure that comes with useful drainage system and protection layers for water-proofing membrane. These features help to replace the traditionally used gravel course. In DrainoMat, two or more mats can be locked(or entwined) easily at the same plane, at right angles it can be easily butted to one another.
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drain cell, Cafeteria Furniture, Living Bio wall, Educational Furniture
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drain cell, river black pebbles, Industrial Plantation Service
Drain Cells
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Drain Cells, Grass Paver, Green Walls, Bio Walls, Artifical Green Wall
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drain cell, power washer, Garden machinery
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drain cell