Drum Blender
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DRUM BLENDER We are one of the pioneer Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers from India, We manufacture Drum Blender, the blending achieved in Drum Blender is very good and it is one of most popular and conventional Blender used in the Pharma Industry.
Drum Blender
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The Drum Blender with its tumbling action ensures efficient blending. Its removable drum design makes transfer of material easy.
Best Deals from Drum Blender
Drum Blender
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Industrial drum mixers are ones where the drum is rotating and the blades are stationary. Its design of the blades is given such that the powders are mixed homogeneously. Capacity : 25 kg to 500 Kgs batch
Drum Blender
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The Drum Blender system has been designed as an integral cycle system from formulation to utilisation. It involves mixing & batch identification of the product during intermediate steps inside the same hermetically sealed container. This system allows that the G.M.P. is followed as closely as possible (no cross. contamination, no pollution of the environment) The machine consists of a fabricated MS Drum rotating at 20 RPM. It has an open able door in front, through which the SS Bins containing the products are loaded in the Drum. After the mixing, the Bins are removed and the Drum is recharged with another loaded Bin
Drum Blender
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The unit is specially made for dry mixing, blending etc. The mixer is supplied complete with 1No. Stainless Steel 316 drum having an airtight lid, with quick closing and opening clamps. The capacity of the drum is 200 liters, and it can mix 50 to 80 kgs. of material.
Rotary Drum Blender
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Esteem Engineers Rotary Drum Blender is an ideal gentle mixer, with low speed and no moving parts inside the drum. Used all over the world for Powder/Granules blending, often with optional spray bar addition, the Rotary Drum Blender is perfect for delicate, friable or abrasive materials. Available in 15 Standard sizes from 100 L to 25,000 L, non standard and continuous versions are also produced to match your specification. A wide variety of options are available, we will design your Blender around the needs of your process.
Drum Blender
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hoop can be conviniently used for conveying the material to the storage site. flame proof motor (optional). quick mounting and dismantling the drum in hoop. replaceable drums can be used for even trasfering the material. drums available in SS 304 AISI construction, SS 316 drum optional.
Drum Blender
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The Drum Blender system has been designed as an integral cycle system from formulation to utilisation. It involves mixing & batch identification of the product during intermediate steps inside the same hermetically sealed container.
Drum Blender
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Drum Blender, Pharmaceutical Machinery, planetary mixer contra rotary mixer
Drum Blender
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Drum Blender
Drum Blender
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Drum Blender, Air Preparation Systems, industrial kettles, Granulator Dryer
Drum Blender
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Drum Blender, double planetary mixer, Ointment Transfer Pump, Jacketed Tanks