Electronic Training Boards
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The objective of the Orissa skill development training and placement programme is to equip the rural youth with marketable skills that would ensure their guaranteed employment through a predesigned placement avenue. Though each sector will have its own specific requirements, there are many generic knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) sought across jobs. It is found that employers want to recruit skilled workers. They require workers with basic academic skills taught in primary and secondary education with the ability to communicate, solve problems, and capacity for teamwork. These skills allow for cost effective training. The bottom line is that for vocational education to be effective it has to be demand-led. This programme aims to address this gap and identify employable rural youth and provide them with avenues for sustainable engagement through a planned and co-ordinate manner. ASTM Skills is presently working with Orissa state govt. with 2 of its most important departments namely OSFDC and ITDA.
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