xpress is a brand of Indian company SILVERTOUCH. In the business since 1998, EXPRESS has been able to carve out its name and reputation in the category of shopping bags. The products that have been helmed by EXPRESS are catered to the general masses. It has now become a popular brand of shopping bags all over India with its slogan- “Creating your Lifestyles.” The need for women in terms of bags would only be reflecting the essence of perfection. We provide an excellent inventory of bags to choose from. Our collection consists of handbags, soft and loose tote bags, as well as shoulder bags that are made out of nylon and polyester fabric, which are PU and PVC coated. The reason for the coating is to make the bags washable, waterproof, as well as water repellent, so that it can be used in the Indian conditions. We also have a range of washable bags made out of fine cotton which are durable and washable. As such, we have been able to offer a wide range of multi-coloured and printed shopping bags of maximum utility at a reasonable price for the common masses. The name EXPRESS is defined by its fusion of craftsmanship, comfort, satisfaction and fair price with a sense of refined ease.