Ferrite Meter
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Duplex steel is used increasingly in the chemical and petrochemical industries, e. g., for boilers and pipelines. A ferrite deficit in the weld seam area leads to strength reduction, an excess ferrite content to a reduction in toughness and ductility. In particular when welding duplex steel, the ferrite content in the welding area can easily assume unfavor-able values either due to unsuitable welding filler materials or through poor heat input or heat removal. Only an onsite measurement can provide the assur-ance that the processing did not change the opti-mum ferrite content in an unfavorable manner at the expense of mechanical or corrosion-resistance properties.
Ferrite Meter
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Digital Ferrite Meter 1. Preface In the chemical industry the stress-bearing members of containers,pipes,reactor vessels and other plant are usually made of austenitic steel or duplex steel or cladding of austenitic chromium-nickel steel.The residual ferrite content must be within a specific range compatible with the mechanical strength requirements or the item concerned. The TMF110 was developed to facilitate accurate ferrite content measurements on welded seams and cladding items. It gives results that match for the standards of GBT1954-2008,ISO 8249 and ANSIAWSA4.2. 2. Feature LC-display, Two display modes (SAVE and FREE). Two units — Fe% and FN (WRC number). Statistics display together with measurements. Built-in Rs-232 interface for printer(Option if need) 3. Technical Data The meter is mainly used for the determination of the ferrite content of welded austenitic steel or Duplex or cladding of austenitic chromium-nickel steel weld.
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