dried galangal
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Galangal Roots
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The company is a prime Galangal Roots Manufacturer and Supplier in India. Our Galangal Roots is known for its excellent aroma and natural flavor. These Galangal Roots are used for various culinary and medicinal purposes across the country. Full of nutrients, the Galangal Roots are provided by us in good packaging, ensuring their long shelf life.
Best Deals from Galangal
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Processed under extreme clean and hygienic conditions, Galangal ensures ultimate taste, marvelous aroma and rich flavors. Properly dried rhizome roots of galangal (alpinia galanga) also called koligen, this spice is light to yellowish brown in color along with irregular shape. The fibrous material of this spice is the attribute of a variety with peel not completely removed and light pieces. Grown from genetically modified seeds, this is vigorously tested and passed via magnets and metal detectors to eliminate the metallic contamination. Clients are offered with pure and best quality spices.
Thai Galangal
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Galangal is a rhizome that is related to and resembles ginger, but has a mildly mustardlike, slightly medicinal taste; ginger is not an acceptable substitute. It is sold both whole fresh and as dried slices; halve the quantity when using dried. Galangal is also called Siamese ginger, kha in Thailand, and lengkuas or laos in Indonesia and Malaysia. Â Nutritional Facts It is a good source of dietary fibre and vitamin B1. It has no cholesterol. Â Medicinal / Therapeutic Use Asian medicine known to treat diarrhoea and vomiting.
Galangal Roots
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Galangal has a tighter skin, is lighter in color and can have pinkish portions too. Galangal is commonly used as a seasoning ingredient in Thai food, many seafood and meat dishes use galangal for seasoning. There are two ways in which galangal is added to food dishes, one is the crushed form and the other is thin strips. Before you start using galangal, you will always need to peel it and take off the top layer. If the recipe you are making needs the galangal to be crushed, slice it first and then do the crushing. This is because galangal is much more dense and harder than ginger.
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We are providing premium quality Galangal that is cultivated locally as well as imported Galangal too. Our Galangal is widely used for both culinary as well as medicinal purposes as a medicinal herb. It is healthy to eat and used for cooking various Chinese dishes. We offer Galangal in optimum packing to our clients̢۪ at the most reasonable price. Minimum Order Quantity : 5 kg
Galangal Roots
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 Alpinia Galanga is a stimulating aromatic and has been successfully employed to aid the digestive process, preventing fermentation and removing flatus. It is useful in case of dyspepsia, preventing vomiting or sickness of the stomach and facilitating digestion. It may be used in all cases in which a stimulating aromatic is indicated. It tones up the tissues and is sometimes prescribed in fever. Homoeopaths use it as a stimulant. It has some reputation as a remedy for perineal relaxation with hemorrhoids and for a lax and pendulous abdomen.             Alpinia Galanga rhizome is used against rheumatism, bronchial catarrh, bad breath and ulcers whooping colds in children, throat infections, to control incontinence and fever. Alpinia species show promise as anti-fungals, hypotensives, enhancers of sperm count and motility. Anti-tumor and anti-dementia effects have been observed in rodents.
Galangal Roots
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This type of herb is mostly used in some of the best southeastern cuisines, especially for creating some of the best culinary delights. You can check the nutritional value of these Galangal Roots, as well.
Fresh Galangal
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Fresh Galangal, baby carrot, Dry Mushroom Oyster, Asparagus Green
Dry Galangal Root
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Dry Galangal Root