Groundnut Kernels
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The peanut or groundnut (Arachishypogaea) is a legume of Fabaceae family. The peanut plant grows to 30 to 50 cm in height. Upon pollination, the flower stalk elongates to push the ovary underground in a natural process called Geocarpy which is common to the legume family. Under the earth, hard-shelled peanut fruits are born that are usually 3 to 7 cm long and contain one to four peanuts. Peanuts are usually oblong to nearly round in shape and are covered by seed coats which are red, purple, or whitish in colour. The peanut fruits also function as roots for the plant, where they absorb minerals from the soil. Peanut contains more protein, minerals, and vitamins per gram than any other edible nut.
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ndia is one of the largest producer of Groundnuts in the world. Indian groundnuts are available in different varieties: i.e. Bolds or Runners, Javas or Spanish and Red Natals; and have a rich nutty flavour, sweet taste, crunchy texture and a relatively longer shelf life. Groundnuts in India are available throughout the year due to a two-crop cycle harvested in March and October. On an average, India produces 7- 8 million tons of groundnuts (unshelled) every year. In fact, considering the current export figures, India has a much larger potential to supply high quality groundnuts to the international buyer. The awareness and concern for quality amongst the Indian groundnut shellers and processors are growing steadily. Multiple sorting and grading are fast becoming a norm. Indian shippers have the capability to prepare and supply edible peanuts conforming to highest standards.
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