Hi-Therm Boiler Pvt. Ltd. Oshiwara, Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Solar Hot Water System

    Solar Hot Water System

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    Energy Can Be Changed From One Form To Another, But It Can’t Be Created or Destroyed. Solar Energy is the only future hope for a Cleaner and Reliable Energy India is endowed with rich Natural Solar Energy Resource that People Can Use Which Is Freely Available,  Ever Lasting, Environment friendly. SUN … Gives Us Light and Emits Heat. This Natural Resource Has Been Overlooked By Us Till Date Because Of Wrong Engineering Of Few Technocrats  .. Undoubtedly,The Efficient Methods To Generate Hot Water Is To Install Multiple Flat Plate Solar Collector Panels. But It Also Has The Following Disadvantages Compelling The Buyer For Not Installing It Despite The Indian Government Extending Full Co-operation & The 30% Subsidy On Its Installation Cost . •  It Occupies Lots Of Space Which Is A Big Question To The Buyer. •  It Also Demands Huge Investment Which When Compared To The Return Outputs Is Very Low. •  Lots Of Inter-Connecting Piping Increasing The Chances Of Leakages Which Leads To Corrosion Thus The Necessity For The Replacement & Regular Cleaning Of Multiple Panel Is A Must Increasing The Maintenance Cost. A Basic Technology Of Power Of A Black Body Absorption Of Heat Energy In An Enclosed Airless Chamber Gives Us A Good Amount Of Transferable Energy … To Generate Hot Water .. Hot Air ..  Electric Power .. Etc.

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  • Pumping Unit

    Pumping Unit

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    PUMPING UNIT provides filtered and at preset pressure the light fuel oil like LDO, HSD etc to the furnaces, kilns, ovens, dryers, boilers etc. Presized and completely assembled on a skid, PUMPING UNITS are ready for connection to on-site fuel supply and electrical power. Depending upon process application, simplex and duplex units are available. It comprises of motorized fuel pumps, filters, pressure regulators, valves, gauges etc to form a ring main systems..

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  • Outflow Heaters

    Outflow Heaters

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    Outflow Heaters is are used to reduce the viscosity of the furnace oil and thereby enabling an easy flow through pipelines and exerting less load on transfer pumps. It consist of one or more renewable cartridge type heating elements , thermostat , indicating bulb, dail thermometer , airbreak contactor and matching flage.

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    Furnace oil is best stored in cylindrical tanks either above or below the ground. Generally, the main storage tank is erected above ground when the capacity exceeds 70,000 litres. For lower capacities, underground storage may be more economical. When erecting a storage tank above ground, remember to maintain safety distances from the surrounding structures, as prescribed by the Explosives Department.   Storage tanks are generally made from welded mild steel plates. The overhead tank should be mounted on concrete blocks, which provide a slight gradient of 1:50 towards the drain valve.   Each of the following fittings has a definite role to play. The Outlet or Draw-Off Pipe should be located at the raised tank end, not less than 15 cms. from the bottom. The Vent Pipe, of gooseneck type, should be located at the highest point of the tank to facilitate filling by venting air and oil vapour during the filling operation. It should be at least 5 cms. in diameter and provided with a strainer at the outlet. The Fill-Pipe could be located either at the top or at the bottom of the tank. If located at the top, it must be ensured that the pipe descends almost to the bottom of the tank.When located near the bottom, it is important to position a non-return valve on the line to avoid furnace oil re-entry into the tank-truck on account of back pressure. To avoid leakage of oil during decanting, it is advisable to have a camlock coupling at the filling end so that it fits snugly on the delivery hose. The Drain Pipe, which is fitted at the lower tank end bottom, is used top periodically remove the accumulated water. It is a difficult task to drain the water and sludge from underground storage tanks. The water and sludge which settle down at the bottom should, however, be removed by a handpump. It would be advantageous to have two suction pipes-one at a lower level and the other at a higher level-so that in case the sludge accumulation is up to the lower point and the suction line chokes up, the alternative line could be put into operation and adequate time would be available to decide upon a time schedule for cleaning the tank. Furnace oil as delivered may contain dust, dirt, gummy matter and water. During storage for prolonged periods, these tend to form sludge which accumulates in the various ‘dead spaces’ of the tank, where the oil is not agitated during normal operations of the tank. This results in unsteady flames and clogging of filters. To avoid this, some means of agitation of oil in the tank may be necessary   In addition to the main storage tank(s), industries may have one or a number of day service tanks located in proximity to the units consuming oil. The principles enumerated earlier for the maintenance of main storage tanks apply here too. The service tank may be sized for a shift’s consumption or daily consumption-the choice depends on capacity required, ease of location of tank near the shop, pumping capacity, horse power, etc. certain additional precautions may, however, be taken with respect to service tanks: a) Service tanks should not be located very near or above furnaces, hot air or process ducts, etc. b) They may be provided with overflow pipes which lead directly below to a sump. As a further refinement, limit switches could be provided to avoid the possibility of oil overflow. c) In gravity feed systems, the difference in height between the service tank and the burners should be at least 10 metres. Removal of contaminants Furnace oil should be free from possible contaminants such as dirt, sludge and water before it is finally fed to the combustion system. Furnace oil arrives at the factory site either in tank lorries by road or by rail. Oil is then decanted into the main storage tank. To prevent the possibility of contaminants such as rags,cotton waste,loose nuts or bolts or screws from entering the system and damaging the pump, position a coarse strainer of 10 mesh size (not more than 3 holes per linear inch) on the entry pipe to the storage tanks. Progressively finer strainers should be provided at various points in the oil supply system to filter away finer contaminants such as external dust and dirt, sludge or free carbon. It is advisable to provide these filters in duplicate to enable one filter to be cleaned while oil supply is maintained through the other. Figure below gives an illustration of the duplex system of arrangement of strainers.

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  • Oil Preheaters

    Oil Preheaters

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    OIL PREHEATER are used to preheat the fuel oil to the required firing temperature about 100 degree C for furnace oil having Redwood viscosity 1500 scs at 100 degree F. In some cases they are used as “booster heater” to bring the temperature of oil to firing level which was earlier cooled down due to pipeline losses. OIL PREHEATER heater may consist of one or more tubular type immersion heating elements or renewable cartridge type heating elements. The former is suitable for either horizontal or vertical mounting , but the latter is meant for horizontal mounting only. Inlet to the heater may be from bottom , side or top but however outlet connection to the heater should be from top only.   Tank OUTFLOW HEATER are used to reduce the viscosity of the furnace oil and thereby enabling an easy flow through pipelines and exerting less load on transfer pumps. OUTFLOW HEATER consist of one or more renewable cartridge type heating elements , thermostat , indicating bulb, dail thermometer , airbreak contactor and matching flage In OUTFLOW HEATER, only that quantity of oil is heated upto about 50 degree C, Which is flowing out of the tank.     OIL FILTER is a basket type filter with various mesh sizes suiting various operations. OIL FILTER provides fine filtering to the furnace oil thereby avoid choking of oil nozzles reducing the firing rate and thus a dirtfree oil is supplied to the burner for better atomization and combustion.Two basket filter is combined to give duty cum stand by operation. A Changeover valve  is provided on the filter to select the basket to filter the oil.    

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  • Oil Filters

    Oil Filters

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    OIL FILTER is a basket type filter with various mesh sizes suiting various operations. OIL FILTER provides fine filtering to the furnace oil thereby avoid choking of oil nozzles reducing the firing rate and thus a dirtfree oil is supplied to the burner for better atomization and combustion.Two basket filter is combined to give duty cum stand by operation. A Changeover valve is provided on the filter to select the basket to filter the oil.

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    Non IBR Steam Hot Water Boilers are Instant Steaming Fully Automatic Coil Type Boilers and consists of Double Helical Coil creating various flue passes to maximize heat transfer and increase efficiency. The Feed Water is pumped in the helical coil & the Burner is fired vertically downward in the chamber made from the Coil. After complete Combustion, the gases pass through suitably designed passage in between two coils & then through third pass of coil & inner shell. Heat is recovered by Air passing through inner & outer shells, thus providing preheated air for combustion improving efficiency. Aluminium radiator placed between the shells eliminates the heat loss to atmosphere, thus eliminating the external insulation.An econmomiser – feed water heating through flue gases is also a part of supply to enhance the thermal efficiency. Non IBR Steam Hot Water Boilers has proven HIT Series Fully Automatic Pressure jet burners / Gas burners with the control panel. Boilers are mounted on skid platform, prewired and assembled, ready to install. The unit shall be commissioned, immediately after Fuel line & Power supply is connected to the system. Non IBR Steam Hot Water Boilers can be offered with various type of fuels like Furnace oil/ LDO / HSD / LPG Gas / Natural gas / Biogas / Dual Fuel – Oil cum Gas.

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    Natural draft gas burners operated on gas wherein the velocity of the gas stream flowing through an orifice entrains atmospheric air for combustion from a venturi throat. The resultant mixture burns at a specially designed tip, for various flame pattern to suit different applications. Ribbon Burners The Curtain Flame burners are designed to give a continuous and linear even flame. These burners ignite easily and the flame travels to all ports instantaneously, simplifying safety systems. It is available in L, V and U shape flame patterns and are used for low temperature application in dryers, ovens, hot plates etc. Infra Red Radiant Burners Infra burners are gas operated heater which is flameless. Mostle used for space heating, low temperature drying, food processing, curing etc. Tube Burners A Short turbulent and oxidizing torch type flame burner finds wide application in ovens, dryers, curing, etc available for fully automatic operation.

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  • Multi Gas Cylinder Installation

    Multi Gas Cylinder Installation

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    Non return valves are provided for each individual cylinder in Multi Gas Cylinder Installation, so as to ensure gas from a cylinder travels to process line instead balancing the pressure into coupled cylinders. Apart it also ensure safety in case of pigtail failure.

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    Mini Gas Steam Hot Water Boiler is available in four models.  Mini – I [Steam 30 kg/hr @ 7 kg/cm2 pressure]  Mini – II [Steam 50 kg/hr @ 7 kg/cm2 pressure]  Mini – III [Hot Water 500 lph @ 90 deg cent]  Mini – IV [Hot Water 1000 lph @ 90 deg cent] Mini comprises of Economizer, Water pump, Boiler, Gas Burner, Gas train and Control panel are compactly skid mounted as a ready to use system. Only Water, Gas, Electric inputs and Steam output are to be connected. Salient Features: Mini Gas Steam Hot Water boiler Fully Automatic Operation Mere turn of a switch is required to start the Mini Gas Steam Hot Water Boilers. Burner switches on & off to meet fluctuating steam demands and hardly requires any attention during normal running. In events failure of water, flame, gas MINI goes into safety lockout giving alarms. Instant Steam within 5-7 minutes of start, the steam is available Strong And Robust Construction Made from boiler approved tubes and heavy plates, Mini is strong. Tested for Twice The Operating Pressure Mini is tested double its operating pressure giving long term performance. Safe And Quiet Working ISI approved boiler fittings makes it a safe unit. Noiseless working since natural draft burner are used.Non IBR No approval required from boiler department. Pollution free smokeless combustion. Maximum steam space Generating high dry steam Operated on domestic 230 v AC supply Low operating Cost Mini with its large heating surface and effective combustion chamber design ensures high efficiency and low operating cost. Being fully auto, burner, consumes gas when steam is required. The rugged and dependable quality of the components minimizes maintenance costs. Compact & Elegant Look Mini occupies a space of 2 x 2.5 ft normally required by a fridge. Its elegant look, safe and quiet operation puts it closer to the utility equipments. Modular control panel Different Sections for instruments, gauges wiring etc. Applications Of Mini Gas Steam Hot Water Boilers • Garment House for Steam Ironing • Health Clubs for Steam Bath + Jaccuzi + Swimming pools • Hotels for Hot Water Usage and Steam Cooking system. • Laboratories for testing purpose. • Small Laundries for washing. • Various Hot process applications

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  • Low Air Pressure Burner

    Low Air Pressure Burner

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    Low Air Pressure Burner has been designed to operate & burn light & heavy grades of fuel oils using only low pressure air and oil. Perfect oil atomisation is obtained without the use of compressed air or high pressure oil. The heavy oil needs to be preheated to obtain the correct viscosity before being passed through the Low Air Pressure Burner.  Excellent flame stability is achieved throughout the burner output range.  The construction is robust with cast iron bodies giving them durability in the high temperature operations.  The Low Air Pressure Burners are supplied in various capacity ranging from 10-200 lph. Hi-Therm Boilers is a Low Pressure Oil Burner Manufacturer and it provides you with the best quality burners.

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  • industrial oil burner

    industrial oil burner

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    Hi-Therm manufactured Industrial Oil Burner : Our industrial oil burner series comprises of a burner head, blower, heating pumping unit and an electrical control panel. These burners work on furnace oil / fuel oil, diesel, light oil and heavy oil. Burner Head : A series – On/Off model are suitable for low firing capacity. Built-in blower along with oil pump with head makes it a compact model enabling it to used on small air heaters, ovens etc where space is a constraint. B Series – High /Low / On/ Off – Model employ two nozzles and hydraulically operated rapid response of air dampers which regulates the combustion air at each firing rare. A unique system of hinged type maintenance door gives access to the combustion head for inspection and maintenance. Two stage operation automatically bring the industrial oil burner to low fire status once the desired temperature and pressure is attained and regulates output between the high and low fire set points, depending upon the demands of the system.   The air required for the combustion of fuel oil is provided by the blower. A floor / flange mounted fan provides the air supply for the system. It has a rectangular outlet with a flange, which is drilled for bolting onto the industrial oil burner head. The air is controlled through a regulator located on the suction side.

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  • Industrial Gas Burner

    Industrial Gas Burner

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    Hi-Therm manufactured Industrial Gas Burner : Our industrial gas burner series comprises of a burner, combustion blower, gas train and an electrical control panel. It incorporates auto-ignition, fuel control and flame sensing systems. These gas burners can be fired using Natural gas, LPG, Biogas and allied gaseous fuels. All models are of nozzle mixing type and are available in On/Off function for low capacity range and with High/Low function and PID controlled stepless modulation for high capacity range. For automation and control systems, Hi-Therm’s sequence controller is used to facilitate easy operation of these highly efficient burners. These burners are manufactured with best quality equipment from our vendors and can be customized as per your requirement.   Features : Monobloc construction Fully automatic operation Facility of pre-purging for safety Auto-ignition, fuel control and flame sensing systems Safe and quiet operation Highly reliable and efficient burners Robust construction Available in On/Off function for low capacity models and High/Low function or stepless modulation for high capacity models.  

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  • Induced Draft Blowers

    Induced Draft Blowers

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    Induced Draft Blowers are high volumetric but low pressure generally used to handle hot gases or hot air. Below 80 deg cent, the blowers may be direct driven type, but above this they are either belt driven or driven through flexible couplings. Induced Draft Blower can be supplied in M S and S S construction.

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    Hi-Therm designs,manufactures and supplies hot air oven & dryers , curing and process heating applications. Hot air ovens are double walled constructed creating air pressurised passage with vertical hot air or cross air flow system for uniform temperature. Hot air ovens & dryers are based on the size and application , oven can be provided with single / double hinged doors and trolleys can be designed on the product application. Proper insulation is done to avoid heat losses and maintain outside ambient temperature Heat could be generated by means of electric or infrared heaters / steam / thermic fluid / oil / gas fired system. Since gaseous fuel provides clean hot air, we can have a direct fired chamber whereas oil fired system should be indirect design. The photograpgh shown is a curing oven wherein the heating media is GB series monobloc fully automatic gas burner attached to a heat exchanger. The burner runs on LPG / Piped Natural Gas. The Heat Exchanger is fitted on the top of the oven to generate the heat and pass the same from heat exchanger to heating chamber. The total fuel consumption varies depending upon the size & the working temperature. The construction of the heat exchanger is done from thick gauge SS304. Gas burner is a fully automatic model having auto ignition , fuel control and flame sensing system. Gas is supplied through a pressure regulator, pressure gauge and stop valve attached to the burner. A powerful centrifugal circulating fan provides vertical hot air blowing system with effective heat transfer and uniform temperature to the working area. The control panel shown houses all the electrical drives for the system. Requisite contactor, relays, switches, indicating lamps etc are prewired to operate the circulating blower and the burner. A digital temperature indicator cum controller operates the system fully automatically under safe condition at the set temperature. Hot air oven is completely assembled and prewired with above operating units to facilitate simple and prompt installation on supply. Various type and size of Hot air ovens are available to suit industry and its application

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  • Hot Air Oven

    Hot Air Oven

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    Hot air ovens are double walled constructed creating air pressurised passage with vertical hot air or cross air flow system for uniform temperature. Hot air ovens & dryers are based on the size and application , oven can be provided with single double hinged doors and trolleys can be designed on the product application.

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  • Hot Air Generators

    Hot Air Generators

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    Hot Air Generator is designed for easy and safe operation. By mere turn of switch the unit can be put into operation. Any malfunction is easily and immediately detected and an audio visual alarm system gives a clear cut idea of the fault to the operator for quick rectification.

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  • Hot Air Generator

    Hot Air Generator

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    Salient Features Of Hot Air Generators Type – Direct and Indirect Design Fuel Option- Oil/ Gas / Dual Fuel Burner Fully Automatic – Simple And Safe operation. Type Of Burner- On/Off. High/Low and Stepless Modulation through PID Control. Packaged And Compact Model Robust Construction and Easy Maintenance.   Hot Air Generator is designed for easy and safe operation. By mere turn of switch the unit can be put into operation. Any malfunction is easily and immediately detected and an audio visual alarm system gives a clear cut idea of the fault to the operator for quick rectification. The system is offered as a package comprising of the main chamber alongwith burner, dilution blower, and the control panel. Thus the commissioning time at site is limited to the fuel, electrical and outlet connection.

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  • Hot Air Dryer

    Hot Air Dryer

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    Hot air ovens are double walled constructed creating air pressurised passage with vertical hot air or cross air flow system for uniform temperature. Hot air ovens & dryers are based on the size and application , oven can be provided with single double hinged doors and trolleys can be designed on the product application. Proper insulation is done to avoid heat losses and maintain outside ambient temperature Heat could be generated by means of electric or infrared heaters steam thermic fluid oil gas fired system. Since gaseous fuel provides clean hot air, we can have a direct fired chamber whereas oil fired system should be indirect design.

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  • High Temperature Gas Burner

    High Temperature Gas Burner

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    Hi-Therm manufactured Furnace Gas Burner: Our furnace gas burner series is used on almost any kind of industrial furnace, ovens, air heaters and kilns. These burners are also called high temperature gas burners since they have a high temperature output. These burners are nozzle mix type burners which provide medium velocity flame with wide air/fuel ratio and turndown flexibility. Furnace gas burner is made of cast iron body with gas connection to give steady, reliable and proven performance. The air tube is made of Stainless steel material for higher temperature application, it is an Inconel material. These burners also have an observation port in the back of gas connection and a provision for pilot gas burner and flame detector. Furnace gas burner is also operated fully automatically with auto ignition system and Hi-Therm’s sequence controller with Ionization Rod/UV Cell as the flame supervisor. They are also available in On/Off models or High/Low models and PID controlled with the incorporation of flame controller. These burners work best with LPG.   Features : Highly robust construction Auto-ignition, fuel control and flame sensing systems models available Suitable for high temperature application Duo-bloc burners Highly reliable as furnace burners Models with facility of pre-purging available Wide Air/Fuel ratio Available in On/Off and High/Low models with PID controller incorporated with flame controller  

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  • Heating Pumping Unit

    Heating Pumping Unit

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    Heating Pumping Unit is designed to supply heavy fuel oil like furnace oil, LSHS etc to the burner at a predetermined constant temperature and pressure required for efficient combustion. The principal components are immersion type electric heater, motorized rotary gear oil pump, oil filters, pressure regulators, etc duly interpiped for the operation.

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  • Heat Exchanger

    Heat Exchanger

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    Heat Exchanger take the energy from a hot stream and use it to heat a cooler stream The shell & tube heat exchangers are the most commonly used type of heat transfer equipment in industries. A shell & tube Heat Exchangers consists of a bundle of tubes enclosed in cylindrical shell. The ends of the tubes are fitted into tube sheets, which separate the shell side & tube side fluids. Baffles are provided in the shell to direct the fluid flow & support the tubes. The assembly of baffles & tubes is held together by support rods & spacers. STEAM CUM ELECTRIC HEATING PUMPING FILTERING UNITS AN ENERGY SAVING UNITS in case of steam boiler application- Steam oil preheater working in series with the electric oil preheater. Hi-Therm Boilers has been a Heat Exchanger Manufacturer for more than two decades and has the experience  to provide you with the right solutions.   Diesel Fired Coil Type Heat Exchanger The Heat Exchanger is designed with an integrated combustion chamber made of M. S. Seamless/ERW boiler tube of adequate size, accurately designed concentric two start helical coil placed in insulated and mild steel shell ensuring optimum heat transfer. The Photo shown below is a helical coil type 3 pass constructed with vertically down fired automatic diesel burner. In this case the high viscous crude oil is kept in circulation with the help of a circulating pump and the heat is being added to it by the burner. Satisfactorily Installed & Commissioned at M/s ONGC,Ankleshwar for Maintaining the crude oil Temperature in pumpable condition.    

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  • Forced Draft Blowers

    Forced Draft Blowers

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    Forced Draft Blowers are generally direct type wherein the casings are fabricated from heavy gauge mild steel sheets and structurals. The impeller is carefully balanced, statically and dynamically to obtain a perfectly vibration free running. The inlet to the blower is generally open to atmosphere but provided with safety cover.

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    Principle : The base of fuel burning technology               1 kg of Furnace oil needs 15 kg of Air.               1 kg of LPG Gas needs 29 kg of Air. Do we maintain this porportion in our daily operations? Less Air  leads to incomplete combustion emitting black  smokes whereas excess air not only dilutes the flame but  also heat up the stack wasting the fuel input. Application Of High / Low Flame Controllers : Oil / Gas Fired Furnaces Salient Features 1. Increases the efficiency of the system. 2. Continuously monitors the furnace temperature. 3. Gradual Inching of firing rates increases the furnace life. 4. Quality production and Safe operation. 5. Auto control of fuel + Air ratio from min to max working 6. Avoids accident during manual settings in a hot accident zone

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 1990
  • No. of Employees Below 20
  • Annual Turnover Rs. 0.5 to 2.5 Crore Approx.
  • Ownership Type Individual (Sole proprietorship)

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Hi-Therm Boiler Pvt. Ltd. - Retailer of Diesel Burner, Electrodes, furnace burner, heating oil systems, Hot Air Generators, ignition system, lap burner, Sequence Controller, Furnace Fire Gas Burner, dual fuel burners in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
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Contact Information

Hi-Therm Boiler Pvt. Ltd.

  • Gunjan Bhardwaj
  • A-102, Oshiwara Industrial Estate, New Link Road, Goregaon (W), Mumbai – 400104, Maharashtra