Bimetal Thermometers
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When local temperatures indication is required, select from the various types of ranges of Bimetal Thermometers manufactured by TEMP TECH.When local or distant indication is required select from the various types of Mercury in Steel Thermometers manufactured by TEMP TECH Back
Thermocouple thermometer
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The Fluke 1620A (DewK) thermo hygrometer and humidity monitor measures temperature to ± 0.125 °C and humidity to ± 1.5 % on two channels, and displays it on a big, clear screen. Ethernet, wireless (optional), or RS-232 will allow you to network as many Fluke 1620s (DewKs) as you�d like. And the LogWare III software will allow real-time logging of multiple Fluke 1620s (DewKs), data storage to your computer and seamless integration with METCAL® software.
Best Deals from Industrial Thermometer
Denvar make Bimetallic Thermometers
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Bimetallic Instruments are housed in Weatherproof IP 55 die cast Aluminium/S.S. 304 case or Pressed steel Non Weatherproof casing and are available in dial size of 25, 40, 50, 63, 100 and 150 mm. These instruments are available in rigid stem type bottom and back connection direct mountings. The hazardous environments generally warrants use of these type of instruments.
Digital Pocket Thermometer
550 Per Piece
100 Piece (MOQ)
Thermometer Wells
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Thermometer Wells, emergency relief valves