mastic flooring
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Industrial Mastic Flooring for the Gas Plantsand decks. Antistatic Mastic Flooring for the LPG godowns and warehouses. Asphalt Mastic for roads, bridges and railway platforms. Epoxy Flooring for residential and commercial and 3D Epoxy Flooring. Waterproofing of course treatment bitumenous and polymer.
Mastic Flooring Service
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A very fast and durable ready to use floor systems for floor, it also help for repairing old floors as well as on newly laid concrete. Laying heavy duty industrial mastic flooring work with mixing a industrial grade bitumen and aggregate binder and fine powder and filling mixing all materials in Ms bhattee and make a hot mortar with heat process and materials toweling on cement concrete, metal surface and other floor area.
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Mastic Flooring Service
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Mastic Flooring Service, mastic asphalt, epoxy primers, Epoxy Powder