Regular Eggs
Regular eggs are also known as Table eggs. Each egg provided by us is stringently tested. They are subjected to bacteriological tests and are seen whether they are free from any infection and contamination. They are packed under strict supervision and observation. All of our Poultry Table eggs are raised in open-air and free-range environments in the style of traditional family farms. We pride ourselves on offering the best quality Poultry Table eggs to our customers all over the world.We provide free delivery service of poultry eggs to many Malls, Hotels, Restaurants, Resorts, Canteens, Clubs, Bakeries, Hospitality & Catering Institutes…. Etc
...moreDuck Eggs
A duck egg's calorie content comes from a mix of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Each egg contains 9 grams of quality protein, which your body can use to support your immune system and maintain healthy skin. This makes up roughly 15 percent of the daily protein intake for an average 150-pound person, according to guidelines published by the Iowa State University Extension. A duck egg also contains 9.6 grams of fat -- a concentrated source of energy -- as well as 1 gram of carbohydrates. Duck eggs boost your vitamin intake and provide considerable amounts of vitamins A and B-12. The vitamin A from your diet promotes new cell development to keep your tissues healthy and also maintains good eyesight. The vitamin B-12 in duck eggs keeps your nerves healthy and promotes red blood cell function. Each duck egg boasts 3.8 micrograms of vitamin B-12, more than your entire daily recommended B-12 intake.
...moreDuck Egg
A duck egg's calorie content comes from a mix of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Each egg contains 9 grams of quality protein, which your body can use to support your immune system and maintain healthy skin. This makes up roughly 15 percent of the daily protein intake for an average 150-pound person, according to guidelines published by the Iowa State University Extension. A duck egg also contains 9.6 grams of fat -- a concentrated source of energy -- as well as 1 gram of carbohydrates.Duck eggs boost your vitamin intake and provide considerable amounts of vitamins A and B-12. The vitamin A from your diet promotes new cell development to keep your tissues healthy and also maintains good eyesight. The vitamin B-12 in duck eggs keeps your nerves healthy and promotes red blood cell function. Each duck egg boasts 3.8 micrograms of vitamin B-12, more than your entire daily recommended B-12 intake.
...moreDouble Yolk Eggs
Most people today are very deficient in most of the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K2) and would benefit greatly from the healthy dose that a couple of egg yolks a day can bring. In fact, egg yolks will keep the doctor away much more than the fructose-rich apples will. The cholesterol in them is also much needed, especially for children, menopausal women, elders or anybody with adrenal problems. On their parts, egg whites are not such a nutritional powerhouse and can even cause problems for some people. Appreciate that tasty super-food without guilt and discard the white without losing anything meaningful if you suspect that it makes you feel bad. All hail to the egg yolk omelet!
...moreBrown Eggs
Brown eggs have 70 calories, 4 to 5 grams of fat, 6 grams of protein, and about 185 milligrams of cholesterol. Vitamin and omega-3 content can vary with the hens’ diet. Of the eggs we tested, those from hens fed vegetarian diets tended to have more of certain vitamins and omega-3s than those from hens fed a conventional diet. Nature’s Yoke Omega 3 eggs listed the most omega-3s, 225 milligrams; a typical large egg has about 30 milligrams.
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