nandratan foundry & engineering works pvt ltd Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra

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  • uec henlay type tailless fuse unit

    uec henlay type tailless fuse unit

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    Henley type tailless unit 300 amp ,650 amp ,650 volts confirming to henley standard manufactured from 18 swg MS sheet duly painted with two coats grey enameled paint with one coat Red primer.The MS sheet having 7 holes suitable for 6 nos Top & bottom Insulator and one hole for neutral.The top & bottom insulator should be fitted by 6 nos hexagonal clamps with 6 nos brass sheet for tightening the metalpart of size 35x4 )3 nos L contact one no .Neutal phase with contact including 3 nos.Metal part connector for holding busbar/Alum.cable.Tallies unit should be 54" length and 51/2 " width including nuts & boltsand washer.The MS patti have drillied hole at bottom for tightening and one cated sheet strips with drilled hole at the copper point of mSsheet for tightening the base   

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  • uec henlay type tailless fuse unit

    uec henlay type tailless fuse unit

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    henley type tailles unit 300 amps 650 volts confirming to henley statndard manufactured from 18 swg ms sheet duly paited with two coats grey enamled paintwith one coat od red primer.THE MS sheet having 7 holes suitable for & bottom insulator and one hole should be fitted by 6 nos hexagonal clampswith 6 nos brass sheet for tightening the metal part connector and 6nos copper spring contact made for copper strip of size 34x4 mm)3 nos .L contact no netural phase with contact including 3 nos metal part connector for holding busbar/alum cable.Tallies unit should be 54"x51/2" width including nuts & bolts & washer.THE MS SHEET patti drilled hole at bottom for tightening and one cated sheet strips with drilled hole at the copper point of ms shhet for tightening      QTY 652 NOS FOR 500 AMPS WITH SAME SPECIFICATION QTY  980 NOS

    Brand Name : HENLEY TYPE

    Material : Mild Steel

    Color : Grey

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  • 300 50o amp henley type tailless unit

    300 50o amp henley type tailless unit

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    1630 Piece (MOQ)

    henley type tailles unit for 300 amps & 500 amps ,650volts confirming to henley std manufactured from 18 swg ms sheet duly painted with two coats grey enamled paint with one coat of red primer.the ms sheet having 7 holes suitable for & bottom insulator and one hole for neutral.the top & bottom insulator should be fitted by 6 nos hexagonal clamps with 6 nos brass sheet for tightening the metal part connector and 6 nos copper spring contact (made for copper stripof 35x4mm)3 nos.l contact one no neutral phase with contact including 3 nos .metal part connector for holding busbar/alum.cable. tailless unit should be 54" length and 51/2 "width including nuts ,bolts,washer.the ms sheet patti drilled hole at bottom for tightening and one cated sheet strips with drilled hole at the copper point of ms sheet for tightening with base    qty 652 nos for 300 amps qty  980 nos for 500 amps  specs are same 

    Material : Mild Steel

    Driven Type : Electric

    Color : Grey

    Application : FUSE UNIT

    Dimension : AS DESCRIBED

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Nandratan Foundry & Engineering Works Pvt Ltd

  • Sbsheth
  • 113,creative ind estate,72N M JOSHI MARG,LOWER PAREL EAST,MUMBAI 400011, Maharashtra

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