Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria
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Zinc Solublising Bacteria is a major nutrient & effective solution to zinc deficiency problems. Zinc deficiency is related to reduced root growth and activity. Lower microbial activity in the soil decreases zinc release from soil organic matter, like other micro-nutritient. Zinc is not mobile in plant, due to this it is necessary to supply Zinc to the plant for good growth. Zinc is one of the imperative micronutrients required relatively in small concentrations (5–100 mg kg−1) in tissues for healthy growth and reproduction of plants. Zinc deficiency in plants leads to reduced membrane integrity and synthesis of carbohydrates, auxins, nucleotides, cytochromes, and chlorophyll and develops susceptibility to heat stress. Excessive use of zinc fertilizers also poses problems to humans causing the impaired absorption of iron and copper. Microbes are potential alternate that could cater plant zinc requirement by solubilizing the complex zinc in soil. Several genera of rhizobacteria belonging to Pseudomonas spp. and Bacillus spp. are reported to solubilise zinc. Microbes solubilise the metal forms by protons, chelated ligands, and oxidoreductive systems present on the cell surface and membranes. These bacteria also exhibit other traits beneficial to plants, such as production of phytohormones, antibiotics, siderophores, vitamins, antifungal substances, and hydrogen cyanide.