water recycling
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The mode of action: REED BED SYSTEM employs natural principles for treatment of domestic sewage. Specially selected plants are made to combine their aeration strength with highly efficient microbial cultures. The treated water can be recycled or reused for low end uses. Details: There are more than 60 such systems operative in India. The wastewater is brought to a suitable site. A tank or a pit of suitable dimension is made. The dimensions depend on the site conditions and volume of the wastewater. The tank or pit is lined by LDP lining. If necessary, other types of civil structure can be made into the treatment tank. The tank is filled with coarse mixture of high porosity, efficient sewage treating bacteria and supporting media. Specially selected plants are then planted. The roots of these form an association with the bacteria to give an effective sewage treatment. This system remains functional for many years with almost zero maintenance. It looks like a beautiful flowering garden and not like ugly Sewage Treatment Plant.
Water Recycling Plant
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