Forever Royal Jelly Tablets
2,128 Per Bottle
100 Bottle (MOQ)
Royal Jelly
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We are offering royal jelly royal jelly is very complex. It is a very rich source of proteins and contains eight essential amino acids, important fatty acids, sugars, sterols and phosphorous compounds as well as acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell. Too little of this compound makes individuals prone to alzheimer's disease. It contains gamma globulin, known to stimulate the immune system and fight off infections. "royal jelly is an excellent source of nutrients and is gentle to the system," says steve schechter, m.d. Royal jelly contains vitamins a, b-complex, c, d and e. It is particularly useful for its b-complex contents, including b1, b2, b6, b12, biotin, folic acid, and inositol. Royal jelly is high in the b vitamin pantothenic acid, recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels. It also supplies the minerals, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, potassium, silicon and sulfur. royal jelly is also rich in nucleic acids, rna and dna. Gelatin, another significant component, is one of the precursors of collagen, which is another component of royal jelly. Collagen is an anti-aging element that keeps the skin looking smooth and youthful. mainly used for menopause related symptoms, impotence, infertility, immune system stimulant, parkinson's disease, diabetes
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Royal Jelly
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Overview royal jelly is a milky secretion derived from the pharyngeal glands of the honey bee. This 'super food' of the bees is specially blended with enzymes and fed to each bee destined to become a queen. It is the exclusive food of the queen bee throughout her highly productive life, enabling her to lay up to 3,000 eggs per day during her six-year lifespan. Worker bees eating ordinary honey live only four to six weeks. royal jelly contains vitamins a, c, d, and e and is also a rich natural storehouse of the b-complex vitamins. A major ingredient is vitamin b5 (pantothenic acid), one of the most important substances in the body, essential for the synthesis and metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and several hormones. Royal jelly contains all eight essential amino acids plus ten secondary amino acids and notable amounts of the minerals calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, silicon and sulphur. Royal jelly also contains nucleic acid. royal jelly is high in protein and is produced during the digestion of pollen. our royal jelly is gathered from dry, remote, high desert regions where pristine conditions provide the ideal environment for our beehives. It is extracted from the hive and immediately freeze-dried to remove only the excess water from the product, leaving all vitamins, minerals, enzymes and co-enzymes present. •one of the most complete foods •easily absorbed and readily digestible •no preservatives, artificial colors or flavors
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Royal Jelly
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Royal Jelly