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Bio-finer process and the other variations incorporate suspended as well as attached growth process within the bioreactor syste. Generally MLSS beyond 4500 or 5000 mgl may not be possible to maintain in any aeration tank adopting suspended growth is enhanced in this dual aeration tank, which eventually increases the net MLSS level.
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AFF is “Submerged Activated Fixed Film Reactor” is a type of aerobic attached growth treatment process. It is principally designed to enhance the efficiency of conventional activated sludge process. The conventional process tanks occupy larger land area, involve constant monitoring of parameters like MLSS & SVI, require continuous power supply and are susceptible to shock loads. SAFF reactor, whereas , needs , less power , lower volume, no recycling of sludge , less footprint area, besides allowing higher loading to make it an acceptable product. With lower sludge generation plug flow design for positive treatment, SAFF reactors help the ETP users do away with a host of monitoring and running costs, making operations of ETPs easier. Besides this, parallel plate separators and tube settlers are products that are today replacing huge solidsludge removal equipment. The use of structured plastic media with the Activated sludge process helped to reduce the volume of the tanks with increased performance. The SAFF systems can easily fit in to underground basins because of small foot print area hence the system is most useful for Sewage Treatment Plants in crowded cities where space is a constraint.
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It is based on aerobic attached growth process and used in the secondary treatment of wastewater treatment plant. In this process raw sewage is introduced into the SAFF Reactor where for attached growth process takes place containing contains polymer based bio-media. The aerobic environment in the SAFF is achieved by the use of fine bubble diffused aeration equipments, which also serves to maintain the mixed liquor in a completely mixed regime. The mixture of new cells and old cells overflows into a secondary sedimentation tank where the cells are separated from the treated wastewater. A portion of the settled cells is recycled using the horizontal, non-clog, and flooded pumps to maintain the desired concentration of organisms in the SAFF reactor and the remaining portion is wasted to aerobic sludge digester-cum-thickener tank for further sludge treatment.
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Saff Media, Fire Escape Chute For Towers, Modular Water Park, Sauna Timer
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Saff Media, white pebble, Filtration Sand, Anthracite Filter Media, gravel