Pressure Sand Filter
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Pressure sand filter is used for the removal of suspended solids & turbidity. The pressure sand filter is extremely robust method of removing suspended solids from water. The filtration medium comprises of multiple layers of sand having different sizes. As per the needs of our customers, we can offer sand filters in various sizes and material apart from hand operated or fully automatically operated.HOW IT WORKS?Raw water is passed through sand filter at a pressure of 2 - 3.5 kg / cm2.This reduces the suspended solids that are present in the raw water. This filter has the ability to remove up to 30 to 50 micron of suspended solids to less than 5 ppm It is mandatory to wash the filter daily with raw water for 20 to 30 minutes For the filtration of partials below 30 to 50 micron, the cartridge filter is used They are manufactured in mild steel, stainless steel, FRP, MS/RL etc.
Pressure Sand Filter
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Our company is eminent Pressure Sand Filter Manufacturer India. We are offering assorted range of the best in class Pressure Sand Filters that consists of a multiple layer of sand with a variety in size and specific gravity. These Filters are designed to remove turbidity and suspended particles present in the feed water with minimum pressure drop. These Filters are custom designed to suit the process requirement. Our offered Pressure Sand Filters are appreciated for their efficiency, corrosion resistant, durability, easy operation and easy maintenance, thus makes us as ultimate choice as Pressure Sand Filters manufacturers in India to our esteemed clientele. This offered Pressure Sand Filter are manufactured with state of art facility under the supervision of experts. Quality control is our top priority and ensures that all our offered Pressure Sand Filters passed laid quality checking procedures. We are offering finest quality Pressure Sand Filter at competitive prices available in the market.
Best Deals from Sand Filters
Pressure Sand Filter
24,997 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Sand Filter
15,000 - 15,500 Per piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
A sand filter is part of a water filtration system and its role is to remove suspended, floating, and sinkable matter from water so that it becomes safe for use. It has the capacity to remove ammonia, protozoa, and bacteria. The system is so designed that it is easy-to-operate and also requires very little maintenance. It can also do deferrisation and demagnization, which will further clear the water.As waste water flows through the sand filter, any dirt, dust, or grime is removed through absorption or physical encapsulation. The tank of the filter has sand through which water passes and all the debris and particles in it are caught, so that they are no longer in the water source. The resulting pure water is sent through the outlet into the next phase of the filtration process.One of the main advantages of an Aqua Systems Technology sand filter is that it can be placed in different phases of water management. It can be put into a pre-treatment filtration part, used as a side-stream filter and also as a polishing filter. The effluent that comes out of the filter can be reused in many ways. Another way in which a sand filter can be used is by purifying wastewater that has sand blasting or paint particles. In greenhouse horticulture, it is used as a means to disinfect drain water.A team of qualified and experienced TECHNICIAN is always on it’s toes to provide any technical services to the customers round the clock. This ensures the utmost satisfaction of each customer, therefore an unbeaten faith of their in AST. A vision to make water treatment as the most sophisticated, scientific and competitive business, AST is thriving to excel. With matchless quality of products, committed delivery schedule, prompt services and customer friendly attitude, AST has achieved the exponential growth in short span of time. Pursuing highest standards and passing through stringent stage wise quality checks; AST produces a product that can optimize customer’s production. Products of high quality standards.Aqua Systems Technology is one of the best Sand Filter manufacturer, Sand Filter exporter, Sand Filter supplier in mumbai India. We are provide this Sand Filter product in all over countries. If you have this Sand Filter product please visit here or quote NowWe are one of the leading manufacturers of Sand Filter. Filtration is the process of passing liquids containing suspended matter through a suitable porous material (filtering medium) to effectively remove the suspended impurities present in it. It is the final step in the solid removal process which includes coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation. Different types of filtration are offered namely inline, conventional and direct. The filtration media uses silica sand, quartz sand and anthracite as filtering media, hence the name sand plant.Features : Multiple filtration types Easy installation process Low maintenance requirement Types of Filters : Inline filtration: In this process coagulant chemicals are added just prior to the water entering the filtration unit Conventional filtration: It is a process commonly employed in municipal and large water treatments. Here all the pretreatment steps are included Direct filtration: It is similar to conventional filtration except that the step of sedimentation is omitted
Sand Filter
19,000 Per Piece
multi media sand filter
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Special Features: Pre Assembled, Factory Tested Systems, Compact, easy to Install, Operate and Maintain Anti corrosive FRP vessels, PVC Piping & Valves and SS 304 Skid for mounting units System requires only Water and Drain supply and can be installed in a day. Multi Port Control valve for easy operation of Filtration and Electrical Controls with all interlocks ASTM Scheduled Heavy Duty UPVC Piping & SS Piping – Optional Well Packed - Filter media to provide good Filtered Water Quality. Sampling Points for quality monitoring and Pressure Gauges for Pressure monitoring
Pressure Sand Filter
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Being the leading names in the industry, we offer our clients, highly durable range of Pressure Sand Filter that is appreciated among the clients for smooth performance. They are used by desalination plant and are resistant to extreme corrosive conditions. Pressure Sand Filter is light in weight and is delivered in standard sizes. Features: Ideally suited for Desalination plant. Cost effective substitute over duplex steel housings Light in weight excellent resistance to highly saline water and corrosive conditions
automatic sand filter
10,000 - 500,000 Per No
1 Nos (MOQ)
Pressure Sand Filters
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We are offering pressure sand filters, industrial sand filters have multi-layered bed of graded pebble and quartz sand that act as ideal 'coarse filter' for water having high ss loads. sand filters offered by us are one of the most cost effective systems that come in handy for meeting the demands of water treatment applications. These are designed to effectively remove suspended solids (ss) / sediments from water and can be used in homes & industrial applications. Further, these are available in ms or frp or ss columns; as well as in automatic or manual control options.
Sand Filter
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The Sand Filters, delivered by us, are known for their work precession and durability. Backed by a well-established warehouse, we are able to store the products in a secured manner. Thus, we ensure complete security of the products from any kind of damage. We offer online and offline Payment Processing as per the needs of the customers; not just the transactions details, but we sternly keep the personal details confidential that is shared by our clients.
Sand Filter
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Pressure Sand Filter
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Pressure Sand Filter is the perfect solution for the removal of impurities that may be suspended or visible. Designed to suit various industry-wide applications, the Pressure Sand Filter’s proven technology widely appreciated for their reliable performance and efficiency. With advanced media filtration technology, the Pressure Sand Filter provides effortless filtration to produce clear water in any type of system. Karyasiddhi offer a wide assortment of Pressure Filters that we extensively used to filter water and remove turbidity, suspended particles, color, odor and iron that are present in raw water with minimum pressure drop. The entire range of water treatment systems can also be customized as per the specification detailed by the clients. We offer easy to operate pressure sand filters that give sparking clear water. The filters which are commonly used are sand and gravels or anthracite, carbon and magnetized dioxide. Applications • Steel Industry Blast Furnace, Electric Arc Furnace, BOF, etc • Fertilizer Industry Phosphate Rock Dryers & Calciners, Dryers • Non-Ferrous Copper Reverberatory Furnace, Laea Blast Furnace • Pulp & Paper Lime Kilns, Back Liquor Recovery, Bark Boilers • Sugar Industry Boiler Flue Gas, Bagging Section • Mineral Products Asphalt Stone Dryers, Cement Kilns • Pharmaceuticals Tablet Coating Fans, etc
Pressure Sand Filter
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The MGF works on principle of retention and removal of physical impurity in a graded manner through Voids of the filtering media. It is a kind of a deep filter bed with adequate pore dimensions for retaining both large and small suspended solids and un-dissolved impurities like dust particles. This arrangement produces a filter bed with adequate pore dimensions for retaining both large and small suspended particles. This filter performs at a substantially higher specific flow rate than conventional filters.It is also a low cost pre-treatment system for ion exchangers (deionizer and softener) and membrane systems such as reverse osmosis etc. With high throughputs, high dirt-holding capacity and capacity to reduce turbidity and TSS (< 5ppm) from water, it protects ion-exchange resins and membranes from physical fouling due to suspended impurities present in the water. Our company is a prominent manufacturer of multi grade filter in India and provides engineering services from designing, manufacturing to installation and commissioning. Our Multigrade sand filtration plants are designed to meet specific requirements of our customers; no matter what quality of water you use and what your flow rate requirements are, our engineering team is capable of configuring the same accordingly. From 1000 LPH to 50,000 LPH, we can manufacture and supply any capacity you need. MGF can be provided individually or as part of a total water treatment solution. The control system for the water softener can be dedicated to the softener or part of a total system. Softener systems are designed specifically for your application using either fiberglass, PVC, lined carbon steel or stainless steel in the materials of construction.
Pressure Sand Filter
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We offer durable pressure sand filters that are used for the removal of suspended solids & turbidity. The pressure sand filter is extremely robust method of removing suspended solids from water. The filtration medium comprised of multiple layer of sand having different size & specific gravity. As per the needs of customers, we can offer sand filters in various sizes and material apart from hand operated or fully automatically, Filter is used for separating water suspended solid for better operation of filter, suspended solid should be coagulated. The advantages of pressure filter are high speed of filtration, less space, low charge and prevent heat loss after the warm or hot lime process. pressure filters, which may be vertical or horizontal, have cylindrical steel shells and dished heads. The flow in pressure filters is downward. Usually sand or anthracite is the filter medium in a bed consisting of either one or two grades of sand or anthracite. A gravel bed supports the filter medium, prevents fine sand or anthracite from passing into the under drain system and distributes backwash water. The water, which should be filtered, enters over the top of filter and pass from its bed then they collected at the bottom of filter. The suspended matter is strained out of the water and held in the voids between the filtering granules. The accumulation load of suspended matter in the bed causes an increasing loss of pressure during the filter run. When this loss reaches a predetermined limit, the filter is backwashed upward, discharging the suspended load out to the sewer.
Horizontal Sand filter
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Mount Sand Filter
25,948 Per Piece
Horizontal Sand filter
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Horizontal filters have a large filtration surface area and varied media bed depth from 800 mm to 1500 mm. Horizontal design allows installation with minimum waster of space for higher flow rates, specifically designed for commercial purpose applications. Constructed from Standard 2062 Grade A, Mild Steel sheets, and conforming to IS 226 code.Filters come with top mounted manholes and side mounted access holes with bolted lids. Mild Steel frontal pipelines and geared cast iron valves. Unique looped raw water inlet distribution over media bed and bottom header lateral system to achieve balance water flow of water for optimum water filtration. Economic and efficient for large facilities like Water Parks, Competition Pools, Olympic Sized Pools and water bodies.Available is standard sizes and a variety of configuration to suit any capacity.
Sand Filter & Multigrade Filter
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We offer sand filter & multigrade filter. This range of sand filters which we offer is used for removing suspended solids and turbidity. These filters have multiple layers of sand having different size and specific gravity. This range of sand filters is available in both hand operated and fully automatic options. These are also effective to remove suspended solids to less than 5ppm.
Sand Filters
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Pressure Sand Filters
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Pressure sand filters are designed for higher flow rates per unit cross section area. These filters are designed with backwash arrangement which is done with the assistance of air blower and pump. We have supplied these filters for steel plants and power plants for filtration of raw intake water at suction side.
Multigrade Sand Filter
60,000 Per Piece
Pressure Sand Filters
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These filters are the most popular method for removal of turbidity from water. The Pressure Sand Filter consists of a multiple layer of sand with a variety in size and specific gravity. These Filters are designed to remove turbidity and suspended particles present in the feed water with minimum pressure drop. These Filters are custom designed to suit the process requirement. These filters are offered in Mild Steel, FRP or SS construction with face piping and associated Valves.
Pressure Sand Filter
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frp sand filter
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Pressure Sand Filters, Industrial Sand Filter
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We are offering pressure sand filters, industrial sand filter. sand filters have multi-layered bed of graded pebble and quartz sand that act as ideal 'coarse filter' for water having high ss loads. sand filters offered by us are one of the most cost effective systems that come in handy for meeting the demands of water treatment applications. These are designed to effectively remove suspended solids (ss) / sediments from water and can be used in homes & industrial applications. Further, these are available in ms or frp or ss columns; as well as in automatic or manual control options.
Multigrade Sand Filter
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Multigrade Sand Filter, water treatment machinery, Water Treatment Chemicals
Pressure Sand Filter
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We offer fully automatichand operated pressure sand filters in different sizes and materials. Pressure sand filters are most suitable for removing the suspended solids from water. In these filters, the filtration medium has multiple layer of sand, where each layer has different specific gravity.
Pressure Sand Filters
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Pressure Sand Filters, Cooling and Boiler Water treatment chemical
Pressure Sand Filter
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Pressure sand filter is used for the removal of suspended solids & turbidity. The pressure sand filter is extremely robust method of removing suspended solids from water. The filtration medium comprises of multiple layers of sand having different sizes.
Swimming pool sand filter
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Swimming pool sand filter, Swimming Pool Contractors, swimming coaching