Heavy Wire Laddle Skimmer
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Swimming Pool Brush
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We are offering swimming pool brush pool brush - hayward ( made in usa ) 18" deluxe curved wall brush code : cwb0002.
Best Deals from Swimming Pool Cleaners
Swimming Pool Cleaners
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Hitec Pool Cleaners have been designed with the ultimate view of keeping the pool crystal clear with minimum efforts and practically no maintenance. Hitec submersible drainage pump is fitted with a wide nozzle incorporating spring loaded nylon bristle brush and a set of filter bags.The Unit sweeps clean the floor and walls just like a vacuurm cleaner. Coarse particles are trapped in the SS strainer and fine ones in the filter bags. Clear water is filtered back into the pool. The unit is flexible, compact and truly mobile. Feature & Design Advantages No loss of water. Lessens load on filters. Mobile on nylon wheel. One man operation. Cuts cleaning time by nearly50%. Saves on electricity. Silent in operation. Can be used for dewatering.
Swimming Pool Test Kit
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The first thought that comes to mind when we think of safety in swimming pools is drowning, slipping and falling, etc. But do we really know that the most probable hazard is contamination by germs, viz. bacteria. Therefore the likelihood of us falling prey to these sicknesses is much more than that of drowning, etc. Bacteria spread through people, who have diarrhoea and as the pool is shared by many swimmers, it can be very easily be contaminated. Even best maintained swimming pools can spread illnesses due to these microscopic predators, the bacteria. Therefore to ensure a disease free swimming experience, regular disinfection of the water is essential. Generally, Chlorine is the disinfectant of choice and a residual has to be maintained to ensure complete disinfection as well as residual protection. Now for Chlorine to be effective, the pH (Hydrogen Ion Concentration) of the water should preferably be between pH 6.5 to 7.5. Water below pH 6 or above pH 8 could be uncomfortable for skin. Now to be doubly sure that the chlorine dose is effective, monitoring of harmful bacteria content is essential. However, detection of these unseen predators is always a tedious and time consuming task, in a laboratory, by the conventional methods of microbiology. Now our AQUASOL Swimming Pool Test Kit helps in testing pH, Chorine & Bacteria by anyone, anywhere in a matter of a few minutes. Our ready to use kits helps to monitor the levels of Chlorine & pH on daily basis as well as has tests for harmful disease causing bacteria.
Swimming Pool Test Kit
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TCCA 90 Granules, Nitric Acid 60%, Silicone Carbide, Stearic Acid
Q60 Sea Aquarium Nano Skimmer
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Q60 Sea Aquarium Nano Skimmer, Marine Aquarium, aquarium maintenance service