Electrical Transformer
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We offer a wide range of Electrical Transformer that is appreciated for its sturdy construction and long life. Our expansive assortment of Electrical Transformer comprises Distribution Transformers, Power Transformers, Furnace Transformers, Heat-treatment Transformers, Multi Tapping Auto Transformers and other custom built Electric Transformers. We are credible Supplier and Distributor of Electrical Transformers from Mumbai (Maharashtra).
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A Substation is a part of an Electrical Generation, Transmission, and Distribution System. Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse, or perform any of several other important functions. Electric Power may flow through several substations between generating plant and consumer, and its voltage may change in several steps.
Best Deals from Distribution Transformer
Distribution Transformers
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Double Layer Roller Contact Vertical Variautos
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This is also a three phase transformer, however with each limb having one winding inside. The top winding is connected in series with inside winding. The Carbon brushes are on the outer load winding. This VARIAUTO has special application in Servo controlled Voltage Stabiliser with balanced loads & balanced input conditions. It can be also used for unbalanced load conditions upto a certain extent. This eliminates the 3 phase buck boost transformer thus making the TANK SIZE very compact. Presently ready model is suitable for 45 KV A, 3 PhStabiliser. Further models are under development.
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DESCRIPTION:- Direct measurement of Voltage in high voltage system is not possible because of insulation problem of measuring instruments. It is also not possible to use voltage through the system directly for protection purpose due to its high value & high insulation problem. In such conditions voltage transformers are used. BASIC FUNCTIONS OF VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS ARE . . . To reduce the line current to a value which is suitable for standard measuring instruments, relays etc. To isolate the Measuring Instruments, Meters, Relays etc. from high voltage side of an installation. To sense abnormalities in Voltage & give Voltage signals to protective relays to isolate the defective system.
Three Phase transformer
1,580 Per Piece
Electrical Transformer
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Our noteworthy entity is actively engaged in manufacturing, supplying, and exporting a wide range of electrical transformer in India.
Ht Substation
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Ht Substation, Ht Substation, retrofitting
Electrical Transformer
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Electrical Cables, Electrical Connector, Electrical Items, electrical rod
sub stations
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sub stations, Flexible Copper Multi Core Cables