Welding Services in Vasai, Mumbai

(3 service providers available)
  • Welding Railway Vehicles EN 15085-2 Certification Services

    Welding Railway Vehicles EN 15085-2 Certification Services

    2,000 - 100,000 Per Certificate

    Railway vehicles EN 15085:2007  - with respect to the railway environment the standard series EN 15085:2007 specifies certification and quality requirements placed on the manufacturers that use welding in connection with the manufacturing of new structures and in connection with repairs. The standard series provides interconnection between output requirements specified for the structure, inevitability to have adequate quality of weldments in the course of the manufacturing process and the subsequent applications of the required types of quality control in production.   Welding railway vehicles EN 15085-2:  Railway application – welding railway vehicles and their parts - Part 2:  Requirements concerning quality and certification of the manufacturer in connection with welding. The series of standards apply to the welding of metal material in connection with the manufacturing and maintenance of railway vehicles and their parts, specify certification levels and requirements concerning manufacturers as regards welding, and describe verification procedures to be used by manufacturers in the welding processes.    Necessary classification within EN 15085-2:2007 Kind of product in relation to the certification level  - four certification levels (CL) (levels 1 to 4) are specified for certification of the manufacturer. Particular certification levels further specify corresponding classes of weldment execution (CP A - CP D) of welded joints specified in EN 15085-3:2007.   Certification levels:  CL 1 - this level applies to the manufacturers that produce welded parts of railway vehicles or their welded parts with welded joints with the class of weldment execution CP A to CP D (certification level Cl 2 and CL 4 is involved).  CL 2 - this level applies to the manufacturers that produce welded parts of railway vehicles with welded joints with the class of weldment execution CP C2 to CP D (welded joints classified with the class of execution CP C1 are involved if these weldments are checked in accordance with the check class CT 1).  CL 3 - this level applies to the manufacturers that produce welded parts of railway vehicles with welded joints with the class of weldment execution CP D.  CL 4 - this level applies to the manufacturers that do not weld railway vehicles or their parts but that design or purchase railway vehicles and their sets or distribute them (certification for welding work is not required as regards certification level CL 3). Class of weldment quality  – must be determined at the phase of the design depending on the safety category and the category of stress, practicability and feasibility of weldment is important. Welded joints are divided into six classes of weldment execution (CP A, CP B, CP C1, CP C2, CP C3, CP D), which are directly related to the class of we?dment testing and checking.   EN 15085:2008 as a profile of manufacturer Marketing and management system of railway vehicle welding production  - marketing established requirements concerning the quality management system within welding processes. For that reason it is important to know what the client thinks of the quality of welding operations. There is a number of fields where the supplier can only meet the requirements made by product standards, however it is necessary to take into account that according to the client the quality is not only the utility properties of a product, however the client assesses also the quality of related logistic, production supporting and production processes as well as other ways of communication in connection with the final provision of the order. 

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