Npk Fertilizer Plant
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Straight Fertilizer such as Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN), Ammonium Nitrate (AN), Urea, Single Super Phosphate (SSP), Triple Super Phosphate (TSP), Potash (Potassium Nitrate), and combined type types such as Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP), Di – Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) are well – defined product made using well- defined process. Compound or complex fertilizer such as NPK, are more difficult to define as there is an infinite number of N/P/K ratio and the process applied in their production are numerous. The product name ‘NPK’ is normally followed by three numbers to indicate the percentage of N, P2O5, and K2O which the product contains. In addition, the Fertilizer may contain Magnesium, Boron, Sulphur, Micronutrients etc. Manufacturing Process : First we store the different raw material in different hopper with the help of raw material conveying system after that with the help of programmable rotary vane feeder, programmable rotary vane feeder discharge the raw material on discharge belt conveyor in control way as per grade of NPK. Discharge belt conveyor feed the raw material as per NPK grade in to paddle mixture, paddle mixer, mix all raw material homogenously and feed that raw material to granulator feed belt that granulator feed belt feed the material to rotary granulator to granulate the material. In the granulator a jet of water is sprayed at the angle of repose of NPK raw material, the quantity of water spry control the size of granule. After making the granules we shift the granules to the dryer with the help of belt conveyor to dry that ma The granulated material is taken to the Dryer to remove moisture from the material. A hot stream of hot air is passed through the material in the dryer. The hot air generated in the furnace by burning Furnace oil/ HSD/ Gas. The material gets dried. The material is cooled in the cooler drum by passing ambient air through the material. The hot and cold air streams form exit of dryer and cooler are taken to cyclone and wet scrubber to remove dust particle going to the atmosphere. The air is discharged in the atmosphere through chimney. The cooled material is taken to oversize and undersize screens to segregate the product, under size material and oversize material. The oversize materials after crushing and undersize material are sending to recycle. This recycle provide the nucleus for further granulation. The product is packed in 50 kg bags or as per requirement of the market.
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