Director Identification Number Service
1,599 - 3,999 Per NOS
Our Director Identification Number (DIN) Service simplifies the process of obtaining a unique identification number for company directors. We streamline the application and verification procedures, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. With our service, directors can conveniently submit the necessary documents, reducing the time and effort involved in the DIN application process. The DIN serves as a vital proof of identity for directors and is mandatory for company registration. Trust our efficient service to navigate the complexities of DIN application, providing a hassle-free experience for directors to secure their identification number swiftly and seamlessly. Focus on your directorial responsibilities while we handle the paperwork. Required Required Documents for Director Identification Number (Single DIN) Passport size photograph.* Identity proof of applicant.* Address proof of applicant.* Mobile no and email id.* Digital Signature Certificate (DSC Class-2)*