Microcontroller Based Seven Segment Number Selector
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Microcontroller (89C51) Based Seven Segment Number Selector displays 0 to 9 numbers by pressing push on switches. This circuit is a simple application built around the seven segment display. The circuit has ten inputs corresponding to digits zero to nine. Whenever an input is pressed the corresponding digit is displayed on the seven segments. The microcontroller used is AT89C51 which belongs to the 8051 series of microcontroller. The circuit can be divided into two units: the controller unit and the display unit. The controller unit consists of a microcontroller circuit. The microcontroller used here is AT89C51. The display unit consists of a seven segment circuit which is interfaced to the microcontroller. The circuit is similar to the seven segment circuit with the only difference that here we have ten input pins. Each input pin corresponds to one of the digits to be displayed on the seven segments. Here the pin 0 to pin 7 of port P3, pin 6 and pin 7 of port P 1 are made the input pins. The output is sent to the seven segments through Port 2 of the microcontroller.
20-4 Character Display
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20-4 Character Display, Breadboard Connecting Wire, IC Sockets
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