Halal Certification Services
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We are the provider of all kind of halal consultancy and certificates kindly visit
Halal Certification Services
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Why? Halal is a multi trillion dollar market and is still increasing exponentially. Due to globalization there is a free flow of goods across the borders. But not all products suitable for every region or nation hence the Islamic nations require halal certificate for the products being imported into their countries. Regions like Gulf and South East Asia are the few of the largest market for Indian made products. To gain entry into these markets it is essential to have halal certificate especially for food products but soon it will be mandatory for all products. Since these markets are dominated by Muslim consumer, a halal logo on your product will help to promote and market your product more thus building a strong brand value for your product. There are countries as well there is a demand for halal products for example Europe, Africa, India, Bangladesh, US, etc.. Who? A halal certificate is relevant for manufacturers, packers and/or traders of products which includes food, cosmetic, flavor, fragnance, pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals, AYUSH, toiletries, chemicals, agri- products, etc. Catering companies or companies preparing food like centralized kitchens, restaurant, eating outlet, kiosk, etc can also be halal certified to ensure consumer to get halal food. Under tourism category we certify hotels, hospitals, resort, entertainment area, amusement park, etc as halal based on services and food they provide. For tourism category we provide two certificates one for service and another for food they serve wherever applicable. For companies involved in supply chain we provide certificate for logistic/transportation and and storage/warehouse business. This will help ensure halal compliance of product throughout the supply chain ensuring a total halal food reaches the consumers. Apart from this we will be starting finance based certification soon..
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HACCP Certification
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HACCP Certification, ISO 22000 Certification