Go Green Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Ajni, Nagpur, Maharashtra

  • chemical toilet

    chemical toilet

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    The main constituents of Bio Toilet are Pre fabricated above the ground shelter and Bio Digester tank. Bio digester tank is a cylindrical structure with the provision of inlet for human waste and out let for Bio gas. Temp in the bio – digester is maintained between 5-30 degree C. A person can use the toilet which is connected to the bio-digester. Night soil degradation occurs through microbial reaction which converts it into bio gas. The smell of night soil, the disease causing organisms in the night soil and the solid matter are eliminated totally. On dry weight basis 90% of the solid waste is reduced. The gaseous effluent (bio-gas) is continuously let off to the atmosphere. Bio Gas can be used for various energy incentive activities like cooking water and room heating. Liquid effluent can be drained to any surface or soak pit with out any environmental hazards.

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Contact Information

Go Green Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

  • Satish Rehpade
  • 1, Samarth Nagar (W), Ajni Square, Wardha Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra

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