Interior Renovation Service
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We provide complete interior design and renovation solution for home, office, shop and mall. Whether its home interior design or looking for professional or commercial design and planning. We provide all. bedrooms bedroom are where we spend a great deal of our lives and they need particular attention to make them comfortable and so that the occupant is able to sleep without interruption. Bedroom design looks closely at color selection, lighting and planning the room so there is plenty of storage. Bedrooms often incorporate sitting areas and additional furniture. This is addressed and how to set a mood in a bedroom. Children’s bedroom decoration and design is a vast subject and the options available to furnish and decorate the rooms. Storage in a children's room has to be taken into account as they have the added needs for toys, study, as well as a quiet respite area away from the rest of the home. home, office and mall design and decoration service carry out by two options as below (1) turnkey basis includes designing, supervision, site visit, material and labor charge. (2)designing, supervision and site visit. we also provide • wall paper • wooden flooring • pvc flooring • glass film • blind
Interior Renovation Services
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Architectural Design Consultancy, Rainwater Harvesting Consultants
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