Akarkara Powder (anacyclus Pyrethrum)
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We are offering Anacyclus pyrethrum also known as akarkara or pyrethrum root is a very unique ayurvedic herb grown in india. Its root grows anywhere between 5 to 10 centimeters long, and about 12 millimeters in thickness, tapering towards the tip. The odor of this root is somewhat aromatic. The intense taste is overpowering producing an abundant flow of saliva. When chewed, it stimulates numerous amount of salvation and gives off a powerful burning taste, to relieve dryness of sore throat and mouth. Externally the herb is used in south east asia to treat toothache, facial neuralgia and chronic catarrh. akarkara has been considered a tonic used in remedy since ancient times, to aid the nervous system. It has been reported to motivate intimate urge as well as assist in premature ejaculation and impotency in males. Some herbalists imply that this herb may be of use for many other conditions such as diabetes, treatment for epilepsy, paralysis, hemiplegia, and for sore throat and tonsils. akarkara also known as anacyclus pyrethrum or pellitory is one of the most nutritive ayurveda herb. it improves physical strength of a fellow and works as a good aphrodisiac. Akarkara benefits a lot in premature ejaculation. It corrects the metabolism and helps in expelling the unnecessary fluids out of the body. Akarkara strengthens the immune system and helps to combat day to day infections. • akarkara is used with oil for massage in hemiplegia and nervine debility. • decoction of akarkara root is used for gargling in dental caries, toothache and tonsillitis. • in abscess, akarkara is applied externally for assimilation and maturation. By its application, skin becomes reddish and boils occur. • akarkara is applied externally as an analgesic. • akarkara nasya is given in chronic rhinitis and cold. • akarkara is used in various aphrodisiac oils prepared in unani medicine. • akarkara is used internally in various types of vata disorders and low pitta. • akarkara is used in sexually transmitted diseases and inflammation. • akarkara is useful in rough and hoarseness of voice. • akarkara is also helpful in impotency caused by weakness of nerves. It is used as rasayana in kapha diseases. • if the akarkara root powder is given in a dose of more than 0.5 to 1 gm, it results in nausea, bleeding increase in heart rate, unconsciousness etc. In such conditions, milk and other pitta pacifying measures should be used as antidotes. best recommended uses • akarkara capsules should be taken with milk to alleviate premature ejaculation. It will also improve physical strength. doses and useful parts parts used & dosage:- roots; ½-1 gm akarkara root powder is the recommended dose.
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