Bio Green Silicon Energy Organic Fertilizers
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Bio Green Silicon Energy Organic Fertilizers contains a novel active ingredient soluble silicone to protect the crop from biotic and abiotic stresses. Silicon-Energy forms a physical barrier within the leaf cuticle which results in reduced lodging; decreased water loss through transpiration and prevents penetration of fungal pathogens. It also increases the stem strength, making it easier to hold up more weight and reduced lodging.
Silicon Fertilizer
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Silicon is important element for the plant growth and fruit yield. It increases the quality and quantity of agricultural crops. Increases the micro-bio activity and decreases soil erosion of the soilIt helps to control or balance ph. of soil. • It increases the water holding capacity of the soil. • It increase micro and macro nutrients uptake of the plants from the soil. • It increases the fertility of the soil. • Improve the canopy of photosynthesis and nutrient balance. • Increases the stress, disease and pest resistance of the plant. • Reduces the bulk density of the soil and which in turn increase the number of fibrous roots.
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