ultrasonic cleaning systems
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Automobile Parts : Pistons, Valves, Fuel injectors, Carburetors, Bearings, Filters, Engine block, shock absorbers parts, power steering parts, different's engine parts. Electronics : Printed Circuit Boards, Electronic assemblies, Semiconductors components, capacitors, Rotary Switches, CRT components Refrigeration Compressor Parts : Compressor all parts, Crank case cranked shaft, valve plate, Cage bearing, stator, Rotor, compressor shell etc. General : Pumps, Vacuum valves, Cutlery, Silver, tools, dies, moulds, casting, spray guns etc. Our Special Cleaning Systems Ultrasonic Cleaning System using alkaline, Organic or any other suitable solventMultistage Ultrasonic Va pour Degreasing SystemOn line Ultrasonic cleaning System for strips, Wires & Tubes.Multistage Cleaning equipment for cleaning of medical, surgical & scientific instrumentsPLC - Controlled Automatic Material handling system for custom designed cleaning systems for various applications.Special purpose High Pressure Spray Jet Cleaning Equipment.Custom built for every industries with special accessories like Filtration, Oil Skimming, Chemical Dozing, dunking, Basket rotation, Hot Air / Vacuum Drying
Multi Stage Cleaning Systems
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We are involved in offering a qualitative assortment of Multi Stage Cleaning Systems. Known for their low noise and smooth operation, these are widely considered among the customers we have. In addition to this, the whole range of the multi stage cleaning systems offered by us is immensely appreciated for the provided digital temperature controller and power controllers. Features :• Pre cleaning chamber : Maximum contamination is removed from the surface with the help of Jet spraying or Air agitation• U/s cleaning chamber : Precession cleaning is accomplished in this chamber with the help of U/s power, proper chemistry and temperature max cleaning is done from the surface• Rinsing Chamber : The suspended contamination after Ultrasonic cleaning are cleaned in this chamber with the help of Air agitation or Jet spraying• Drying Chamber : The forced hot air drying chamber utilize evaporation, one of the most common drying technique’s to remove water
Best Deals from Cleaning Systems
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This equipment is intended for cleaning LPG Cylinder valves using Kerosene or other light oils as cleaning medium for removal of dust and other deposits on the valve internals . The machine is constructed as a console unit with cleaning tank at the top and generator modules at the bottom. It consists of the following main parts- Ultrasonic Generator Cleaning Tank PZT Transducers Jigs for immersing the valves.
Solar Panel Cleaning System
250 Per Piece
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