Ericon Transformers Ambad, Nashik, Maharashtra

  • ring type current transformers

    ring type current transformers

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    Ring type ( or rectangular type ) CT are normally preferred over other types of CT. because they are simple in construction, mechanically stronger and cheaper. In a ring type bar primary type CT the working ampere-turns are determined by the primary current and therefore necessarily, the accuracy that can be offered with these CT becomes progressively inferior as the rated primary current decreases.'-If higher accuracy and burdens are required for CT of low primary current wound types CT are used.

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  • Low Tension Current Transformers

    Low Tension Current Transformers

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    It is not possible to use line current directly for measurement and relaying purpose due to its high value and insulation problem. CURRENT TRANSFORMER which is widely known as 'CT' is a piece of electrical equipment which converts line current ( primary current ) in to small standard current values which are suitable for the devices to which it is connected e.g. measuring instruments, meters, protection relays.

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  • Precision Grade Current Transformers

    Precision Grade Current Transformers

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Ericon Transformers

  • Bharat G. Raut
  • W-244, M.I.D.C, Ambad, Nashik, Maharashtra