Thyristor switch APFC Panels
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LOAD OPERATED FAST RESPONSE REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION SYSTEM : –The system is designed to work automatically on highly variable, fluctuating, unbalanced utility loads. The compensation is done on percentage of load current settable on site with the help of variable setting pot on Controller with fast response with cutoff of set value of power factor with another pot. Load operated Automatic power factor correction system mainly suitable to Lighting loads, Agriculture pumps, Welding loads, Lifts, Crane, Injection Molding Machines. It is a highly Fast response system designed to measure & operate to connect & disconnect the required Kvar Capacitors to achieve Target power Factor with reference to load current. LED Indications:- High Voltage - RED LED Low Voltage - RED LED Power Factor - YELLOW LED Lead PF - RED LED Low Load PF- RED LED Power ON - GREEN LED Bank ON - GREEN LED LED Indications Details:- High Voltage LED glows when system voltage is 1.15 times of rated voltage. Low Voltage LED glows when system voltage is 0.7 times of rated voltage. Current LED glows when system current is above set limit. Current - YELLOW LEDLead P.F. LED glows when power factor is leading. Bank ON LED glows when contactor switches ON capacitor bank. Power ON LED glows when power is switched ON. LL LED glows when load current is below 1% of rated transformer Current.
Load Operating APFC System
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Load Operating APFC System, led Indicator Lights raw material
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