Spuradie Phosphorous Solubilizing Bacteria
435 Per Litre
500 ml (MOQ)
Spuradie is an organic certified bio-fertilizer developed from the selective strain of phosphorous solubilizing bacteria Bacillus megaterium. This bacteria convert’s insoluble form of phosphorous in the soil to soluble form which become easy for plants to uptake. It performs near root zone and positively affects plant growth and yield. This product results enhanced level of sugar in the fruits and also improves product quality. This formulation is completely eco-friendly and does not left over any residues in the product. Content : Bacillus megaterium spores 1 x 108 CFU / ml.Benefits : Supplies Phosphorus to the plants Saves the cost of phosphorous chemical fertilizer inputs. Avoids soil erosion and improves the soil texture and fertility Improves the organic content and microbial population of the soil. Dose : Soil treatment - 1 liter / acre through drip irrigation. Foliar application - 2.5 - 5 ml per liter of water Seed/root dips treatment - 10 ml per Kg of seeds. Recommended crops : Fruit crops, vegetables, tea, flowers and other crops, etc.