364 Per Litre
Rangeen is a natural liquid formulation made for increasing colour sugar and early maturity for fruit crops. It minimizes the deficiency of potash, calcium and other micronutrients.Content : Banana sapBenefits : It is natural source of nutrients like Calcium, Boron and Potassium Reduces the fruit cracking of grapes, tomato, pomegranate etc. Increases the sugar Gives identical colour and luster for fruits Gives early maturity to crops and improves the quality Useful for exported fruits like grapes and pomegranate Dose : 4 - 5 ml/lit of water for foliar spray.Recommended crops : Grapes, Mango, Pomegranate, Apple, Chickoo, Orange, Banana, Sugarcane, Tea, Tomato, Onion, Brinjal, Cotton and all vegetables and flowers plant.
plant growth fertilizer
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plant growth fertilizer, natural pesticide
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Plant Nutrients And Fertilizers
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Plant Nutrients And Fertilizers, Silicon, agriculture bio pesticide