Plastic Garbage Bin
50 - 30,000 Per pc
Home Composter
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Salient features:• Simple and low cost construction.• Very easy to operate.• Zero maintenance cost.• Waste to compost in just two weeks. How to use?Just follow these steps. 1. Segregate your waste into biodegradable waste (Organic waste) and non biodegradable waste. (All other waste). Daily vegetable waste, fruit peels, Kitchen waste, egg shell, dried flowers etc. is all your organic waste. 2. Dump your organic waste into the compost container by opening the lid. Add equal quantity of dried leaves or saw dust. Add one spoon of microbial culture. This accelerates the composting process. Cow dung or semi composted material can also be used as an alternative to microbial culture. 3. Close the lid. Stir the material by rotating the handle for a minute. This will thoroughly mix all the waste material. 4. Repeat the process for two weeks. 5. Stir the material twice a day. This will help proper aeration through the composting material. 6. Check the water content in the waste material. The pile should not be too dry or too wet. 7. After two weeks, turn the container upside down. Open the lid and take out the finish compost by rotating the handle till the entire material is collected in the plastic crate placed below the container. 8. Store the finished compost in the maturity bin made out of brick work for another two weeks and add moisture intermittently. This will help in stabilizing the composting process. 9. The compost now is ready to use for your plants.
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