Steam Desuperheaters
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Steam Desuperheater is used to spray water into steam so that water get mixed with steam resulting in reduction in the temperature of the outlet steam. Desuperheater can be classified into two. Non-Integral type Desuperheater -Desuperheater nozzle and water valve are separate units, Integral type Desuperheater -Desuperheater is in-built with actuator so that there is no need to separate spray water valve.
Pressure Reducing Desuperheaters Stations
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Steam PRDS is used for Steam Conditioning Services for the reduction of pressure and temperature of steam. It is a combination of Control Valve for the pressure reduction purpose and atomizing nozzles through which water is sprayed into steam for reducing the temperature. PRDS can be of two types 1. Combined PRDS Both PRV and Desuperheater in a compact single unit 2. Split PRDS Separate PRV and Desuperheater
Best Deals from Steam Desuperheaters
Steam Desuperheaters
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Steam Desuperheaters, Electronic Condensate Drain