Weld Stud Dealers in Ambad, Nashik (3 products available)

  • arc weld stud

    arc weld stud

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    These studs can be welded to base metal with two different processes. One is resistance welding and other is Arc Welding. Most commonly used process is Arc Welding in Automotive, Construction, and Engineering Industries. Three different types used in Arc Welding are, Drawn Arc Welding, Short Cycle Welding and Capacitor Discharge Welding. Heat Required for welding is generated by DC arc between Stud and base Metal. Welding Current is gained from Mains Transformer. Welding time and Welding Current is controlled by a microprocessor controller as per the combination of Stud to be welded and the base metal. It is very important to select the proper process according to shape of the stud being used. The process and machine capacity is selected depending upon the stud size, strength required and productivity required.

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