Liquid Filled Dial Thermometer
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Liquid filled system based on liquid (other than mercury) expansion principle is used for measuring temperature ranging from(-)30°c to 250°c. It has faster response and the same is available in rigid stem as well as capillary type for remote sensing. Every angle type can be offered in all ss construction. Generally used where mercury type thermometer is not used in industries such as food, pharmaceutical, etc. The main advantages is its minimum immersion length required for sensing (as low as 30mm suffices for proper sensing thereby making it ideal for installing in lower line sizes)
Dial Thermometer Gas Filled
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Dial Thermometers
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Radix Dial Thermometers, also known as Temperature Gauges, are rugged with all-stainless steel constructions for reliable measurements and long life in harsh environments. We design different dial sizes depending on accuracy, resolution and readability requirements, as well as various options of stem size, process connections, enclosure ratings and more.
Dial Thermometers
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Dial Thermometers, Manifold Heaters, Band Heater, Ceramic Band Heater
Bi-Metallic Dial Thermometer
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Bi-Metallic Dial Thermometer, Portable Welding Electrode Drying Oven