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Auto Manual 4000 Counts LCD Basic DC Accuracy : 0.3% More thsn 45 Measuring Ranges Frequency Meausrement : 10 Hz to 4 MHz Duty Cycle : 10% ~ 90% Resistance : 0.1 � to 40 M� Capacitance : 4nF to 40 µF Measures AC Voltage in dBm or Volts Data HOLD MAX MIN Relative Measurement Pulse Widths Logic Test Diode Test Audible Continuity Dynamic Recording Communication : USB Cable Auto Power Off
Digital Multimeters
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Set FunctionRange switch to desired current type (DC or AC) and range. If magnitude of current is not known, set switch to the highestrange and reduce until a satisfactory reading is obtainedTurn off power to the device or circuit being tested and discharge all capacitors. Open the circuit in which current is to be measured. Now securely connect test leads in series with the load in which current is to be measured.Turn on power to the device or circuit being tested.For current measurment of 200mA or greater, connect the red test lead to “20 A” input terminal & black test lest lead to the “COM” input terminal. If the resistance being measured is part of a circuit, turn off power to the circuit and discharge all capacitors.Overrange indicationHighest digit of(1) or (-1) is diplayed at MSDTest leads (pair) x 1, spare fuse 0.8A 250V x 1, battery (installed) x 1, instruction manual x 1 & carring case x 1 Single, standard 9-volt battery,Eveready 216 or equivalent. displayed when the battery voltage drops below the operating voltage
Best Deals from Digital Multi Meter
Digital Mini Multimeters
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Digital Mini Multimeters, Media Preparator, coating thickness measurement