Privi Life Sciences Kopar Khairane, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Privi Nutrifight

    Privi Nutrifight

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    Privi nutrfight is a unique first-ever formulation in india with the dual benefit of enhancing required nutrition to the plant and strengthening against fungal pathogens. Whereas regular fungicides tend to lead to resistance in the very fungus they control, research proves that privi nutrifight does not allow resistance to develop in the fungal pathogens. the activated potassium in the formulation strengthens plant resistance to diseases by boosting its phenolic, carbon, nitrogen and active oxygen metabolism. In combination with other contact fungicides, privi nutrifight gives best results. bio-active nature of privi nutrifight ensures rapid absorption into the plant system and improves vigor and healthy growth. privi nutrifight can be used on a variety of crops.

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  • Privi Silixol Rice (silicic Acid)

    Privi Silixol Rice (silicic Acid)

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    Privi silixol rice is a unique formulation of boosters blended through silica chemistry specially designed for rice crop. rice boosters present in privi silixol rice help in increasing tillers, maintain proper plant height and strengthen the plant thereby preventing lodging. Privi silixol rice also helps in increasing grain weight, reducing white ear heads thus increasing overall yield and quality of grain. privi silixol rice also has inherent benefits of silicic acid, which enhances plant resistance against diseases and abiotic stresses like temperature fluctuations, water shortage excess and regulating nutrient uptake from the soil.

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  • Silicic Acid

    Silicic Acid

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    We are offering silicic acid, silxol potato is a formulation based on orthosilicic acid (osa) chemistry fortified with boosters known to have beneficial results on tuber crops. silxol potato enhances sprouting of buds from seed tubers resulting in early development of seedlings. Such seedlings are characterized by strong root system which facilitate better nutrient uptake. Silxol potato also ensures well-expanded leaves with higher chlorophyll content leading to increased rate of photosynthesis and hence sugar content in leaves and tubers. silxol potato has inherent benefits of ortho silicic acid, which enhances plant resistance against abiotic stresses like temperature fluctuations, water shortage excess and metal toxicity. this has proven results in lowering incidences of external and internal defects in the tubers leading to better market acceptability.

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Privi Life Sciences

  • Mr. Satyander Sharma
  • A-71, TTC, Thane - Belapur Road, Navi Mumbai, Station, opp. Kopar Khairane, Maharashtra

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